Stephen Hawking warned us AI may end humans. Looking around at the world now… maybe it’s for the best?
This is small, this is far away. #fatherted #AIOverlord #catsofmastdn
#catsofmastdn #aioverlord #fatherted
#Reading a #warhammer40k omnibus called the Forges of Mars while my husband makes #lunch.
After having a conversation with him about #aisingularity and an #AIOverlord I'm in the mood play NieR Automata, later. We'll see.
#books #dystopianliterature #sciencefictionbooks #scienceficiton #lazyreadingsunday #Sunday #LazyReads #marriage #gaymarriage #gaymer #gaming
#Gaming #gaymer #gaymarriage #marriage #LazyReads #sunday #lazyreadingsunday #scienceficiton #sciencefictionbooks #dystopianliterature #Books #aioverlord #aisingularity #lunch #warhammer40k #Reading
Nowojorskie szkoły wprowadziły ban na używanie ChatGPT w trakcie lekcji i na szkolnych komputerach. #AIOverlord
How to implement & train a fully connected autoencoder with Keras in under 100 lines of code:
#pythonlanguage #deeplearning #keras #programmingfacts #AIOverlord #AlgorithmsAreUs #prototyping :squirtle: :squirtle: :squirtle:
#prototyping #algorithmsareus #aioverlord #programmingfacts #keras #deeplearning #pythonlanguage
Mean Reversion Theory for trading. Let me teach you. Deep Learning, chatGPT
#meanreversion #TradingPsychology #HangSengIndex #robotlife #AIOverlord #programmingfacts #AlgorithmsAreUs
#algorithmsareus #programmingfacts #aioverlord #robotlife #HangSengIndex #tradingpsychology #meanreversion
Out of different NP approximation algorithms e.g. greedy, heuristic, Tabu search, Monte Carlo, belief propagation, stochastic gradient descent, genetic algorithm, branch and bound, cutting plane... I think convex (algebraic) relaxation is the most beautiful way to solve it #convexanalysis #optimizations #AlgorithmsAreUs #programming #AIOverlord #geneticalgorithm :blobcatcoffee: :blobcatcoffee: :blobcatcoffee:
#geneticalgorithm #aioverlord #Programming #algorithmsareus #optimizations #convexanalysis
ChatGPT is stupid. It is a Savant. It cannot generate new ideas, make logical inference, make mathematical formulation of a problem, optimize a problem... It can only memorized a lot of information. #AIOverlord #programmingfacts #AlgorithmsAreUs #deeplearning :pikachuroll: :pikachuroll: :pikachuroll:
#deeplearning #algorithmsareus #programmingfacts #aioverlord
Is it possible to make deep learning convex? Give me your comments #deeplearning #AIOverlord #AlgorithmsAreUs #DataScienceIsFun #datascientists #programming
#Programming #datascientists #datascienceisfun #algorithmsareus #aioverlord #deeplearning
I am a minimalist. Using the simplest network design for my deep learning model. #programmingfacts #AIOverlord #cryptocurentie #algorithm #riptwitter
#riptwitter #algorithm #cryptocurentie #aioverlord #programmingfacts
Can you find a denoising deep learning algorithm better than mine?? Write in the comments... :blobcatthinksmart: :blobcatthinksmart: :blobcatthinksmart: #AIOverlord #deeplearning #mnist #AlgorithmsAreUs
#algorithmsareus #mnist #deeplearning #aioverlord
Good afternoon, here is a witch or three. (NSFW content warning)
#AIAndArtists #AIOverlord #witchyvibes #witchywomen #TurnedMeIntoANewt #NSFW
#NSFW #turnedmeintoanewt #witchywomen #witchyvibes #aioverlord #aiandartists
It turns out we are really living inside the Matrix! Thanks to the "clever" algorythms of Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and all the other for profit social media platforms. I really hope more people will take the red pill and join Mastodon soon. If anyone is interested in learning more about how those algorythms are messing our lives, check out this podcast: #redpill #SocialMediaFatigue #TwitterDesaster #AIOverlord
#aioverlord #twitterdesaster #socialmediafatigue #redpill
“Why are you so polite to the AI? It’s only an algorithm!”
“Because when we become irrelevant and start being hunted for sport, I want it on the record that I was respectful and kind to our new overlords.”
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Algorithm #MachineUprising #Robopocalypse #AIOverlord #Human #Robot
#Robot #human #aioverlord #Robopocalypse #machineuprising #algorithm #artificialintelligence #AI