Some domains where #AI companies suffer from fragile trust:
Reliability: verifiably guarantee that the AI approach always produces reliable results.
Training: verifiably guarantee transparancey about the constraints/biases of training.
Manipulation: verifiably guarantee no hidden bias in results to serve economical or political goals
Lobbying: verifiably guarantee not to undermine regulation and other democratic processes.
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#chatgpt #aipolitics #resistingai #ai
The function of the #AI hype is to build trust.
Trust is as important for this kind of services as it is for a bank. No trust, no profit.
Most of the criticisms at the moment work more or less unconsciously against this trust.
Those who believe we shouldn’t want this as a service for profit should attack this trust more consciously. This is the Achilles’ heel.
#politicalscience #nationalism #minorities #diversity #migration #integration #territorialautonomy #consociation #powersharing #SouthTyrol #artificialintelligence #AI #machinelearning #AIpolitics #AIethics
#politicalscience #nationalism #minorities #diversity #migration #integration #territorialautonomy #consociation #powersharing #southtyrol #artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #aipolitics #aiethics