There is still a lot that #aviation can do about making flight operations more efficient and less impactful on the environment. Further optimizing flight paths is one of these efficiencies where improvements are possible: ✈️ #airtravel #aviation #climateaction #futureready
#futureready #ClimateAction #airTravel #Aviation
It has been 10 years already since my article on airfield safety during construction made the cover of FSF's AeroSafety World magazine:
What has been done since then? Here is a short version of what we did to further improve operational #safety:
#airports #airtravel #aviation #safetyfirst #sms #safetymanagement
#safetymanagement #sms #safetyfirst #Aviation #airTravel #airports #Safety
When we flew into Denver two weeks ago, our plane was just inches off the ground when the pilot took us back up in the air, shocking everyone on the plane.
The NASA/Boeing X-66A is happening! This will be the largest aircraft with high aspect ratio wings since the Hurel-Dubois HD.31 series. The truss-braced wing configuration promises big fuel savings (=emissions cut): ✈️
#AirTravel #aviation #ClimateAction #engineering #FutureReady #Xplanes
#xplanes #futureready #engineering #ClimateAction #Aviation #airTravel
One of our first hashtags on fedi… #keepBoeing737MaxGrounded
We proudly stand by that statement and sentiment. Elective #airTravel must come to an end at some point, the only question is when.
#keepBoeing737MaxGrounded #airTravel
The envelope, please. And the winning caption is . . .
My Entry in The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #857 #WillMcPhail #Ant #AirTravel #TheNewYorker #Cartoon #CaptionContest
#willmcphail #ANT #airTravel #TheNewYorker #cartoon #CaptionContest
What if you could combine most of the benefits of jet bridges & mobile stairs into one single accessible equipment compatible with smaller airports? Federally-owned Brazilian #airport operator Infraero did it a few years ago with the ELO system! 😉✈️ #accessibility #airports #AirTravel #CustomerExperience
#customerexperience #airTravel #airports #Accessibility #airport
#Airports getting these Russian flights with brakes off should brace themselves for the many rwy excursions to come: This is a good time to review ARFF & recovery procedures. Bonus question: How many of these #aircraft are leased planes illegally appropriated & re-registered? ✈️
#safetyfirst #airTravel #aircraft #airports
Could #aviation safety get worse in Russia? Answer is "yes": This should not come as a surprise. #Airports accommodating flights operated by Russian air carriers should keep runway excursion & #aircraft recovery SOPs handy. Accidents will happen. ✈️
#AirTravel #AviationSafety #CivilAviation #EmergencyManagement #SafetyFirst #transportation
#transportation #safetyfirst #emergencymanagement #civilaviation #aviationsafety #airTravel #aircraft #airports #Aviation
#Hydrogen has a role to play in the future of #aviation. But which one(s)? Fuel cell powertrains for #eVTOLs & regional #aircraft are emerging. What about hydrogen gas turbine aircraft? Which airport supply chains? Watch our TRB webinar with NREL's Scott Cary and TPA's Adam Bouchard: ✈️
#airtravel #ClimateAction #energy #EnergyTransition #FutureReady #mobility #infrastructure #research #STEM #transportation
#transportation #stem #Research #infrastructure #mobility #futureready #energytransition #Energy #ClimateAction #airTravel #aircraft #eVTOLS #Aviation #hydrogen
The U.S. Department of the Treasury ’s slowness in implementing a 2021 law aimed at catching #crypto #tax cheats could end up costing the US billions in tax #revenues next year.
#taxevasion #digitalcommunication #IRS #kerosene #airtravel #airtransport
#airtransport #airTravel #kerosene #irs #digitalcommunication #taxevasion #Revenues #tax #Crypto
A stormcloud illuminated by sunset, the moon rising, and a train of aircraft on final to 33L at BWI. #photography #aviation #weather #airlines #airtravel
#airTravel #airlines #Weather #Aviation #Photography
And the Caption Contest finalists are . . .
My Entry in The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #857 #WillMcPhail #Ant #AirTravel #TheNewYorker #Cartoon #CaptionContest
#willmcphail #ANT #airTravel #TheNewYorker #cartoon #CaptionContest
The way things are going, maybe we should go back to using propeller driven passenger planes. Seriously.
"Extreme temperatures in parts of the #US and around the world are forcing airlines to reduce #FuelLoads, shed #passengers or #baggage, or wait for daytime temperatures to drop in the evenings, to fly some aircraft." #HeatWave #ClimateCrisis
#ExtremeHeat forces US airlines to limit passengers and fuel loads | #AirTravel | The Guardian
#airTravel #extremeheat #climatecrisis #heatwave #baggage #passengers #fuelloads #us
The FAA released its first Advanced Air Mobility Implementation Plan providing steps to safely enable AAM operations in the near term. The “Innovate28” plan includes various components and the sequence they will occur in for operations to be at scale at one or more sites by 2028: 🚁🛩️✈️
#aircraft #aerospace #AirTravel #avgeek #aviation #engineering #FutureReady #mobility #STEM #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #stem #mobility #futureready #engineering #Aviation #avgeek #airTravel #aerospace #aircraft
Is it a plane? A vessel? Both? That is the question... So far, ground effect vehicles (GEVs) were niche, experimental machines. With the
Regent seaglider concept, FAA and USCG need to answer this question in order to develop/confirm the certification path for passenger GEVs: ✈️ ⛴️
#aerospace #AirTravel #aviation #FutureReady #mobility #seaplanes #STEM #transportation
#transportation #stem #seaplanes #mobility #futureready #Aviation #airTravel #aerospace
Do not miss my interview with
Dan Zukowski for Smart Cities Dive about preparing cities & communities for the advent of advanced air #mobility (AAM): 🚁🛩️✈️
#airports #AirTravel #aviation #engineering #eVTOL #infrastructure #transportation #UrbanPlanning #VerticalFlight #vertiport
#vertiport #verticalflight #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #eVTOL #engineering #Aviation #airTravel #airports #mobility
Read my interview with Jessica Reed for Avionics International on How Airports Can Prepare For Electric Aircraft: 🚁🛩️✈️
#AAM #AirTravel #airports #eVTOL #FutureReady #infrastructure #mobility #STEM #research #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiport
#vertiport #verticalflight #transportation #Research #stem #mobility #infrastructure #futureready #eVTOL #airports #airTravel #aam
Flying may be bad for the environment, but taking the train in Europe is bad for your bank account, a new study found.
Rail travel within the Continent remains 71% more expensive than flying, according to research by Greenpeace.
The report compared the prices of flights and trains on 112 European travel routes and found that taking the train was cheaper than a flight in only 23 cases.
#Rail #train #flying #airTravel #Europe