New Il-2 Sturmovik video:
I don't normally do ground attack. In fact, this is literally my first Il-2 Sturmovik gameplay video featuring a strike.
Having flown the P-47D effectively in a dogfight previously, I thought I'd give 'The Jug' a try in the strike role.
Fully loaded up, I attacked a German airbase in northern France.
In hindsight, I probably flew a little too low. Still, made for a pretty dramatic video!
#dramatic #p47 #airbase #strike #Aviation #gameplay
Not seen very often so clearly, the #LOCKHEED C5 #SuperGalaxy at 3km heading for #Ramstein #Airbase. An impressive thing and surprisingly very quiet.
#lockheed #supergalaxy #ramstein #airbase
Die heutige Anzahl an auf der Airbase Ramstein landenden Privatjets ist verdächtig hoch.
#Privatjet #EU #Airbase #AirbaseRamstein #Ramstein #RamsteinAirbase #NATO
#nato #ramsteinairbase #ramstein #AirBaseRamstein #airbase #eu #privatjet
Ach ja, da war doch was ...
Frohes neues Jahr! 🥂
#LostPlace #abandoned #forgotten #lost #decay #aircraft
#DouglasC-42 #military #airbase #Croatia
#croatia #airbase #military #douglasc #aircraft #decay #lost #forgotten #abandoned #lostplace
Ach ja, da war doch was ...
Frohes neues Jahr! 🥂
#LostPlace #abandoned #forgotten #lost #decay #aircraft
#DouglasC42 #military #airbase #Croatia
#douglasc42 #croatia #airbase #military #aircraft #decay #lost #forgotten #abandoned #lostplace
Ucraina: le sirene dei raid aerei suonano a Kiev il giorno di Natale
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#26Dicembre #saratov #frontlines #airbase #ukrainian
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#Dyagilevo #airbase in #Ryazan experienced what we say, don't mess with Ukrainians
Russian airbase on western coast of Crimea damaged in explosions | Crimea | The Guardian #russian #airbase #western #coast #crimea #damaged #explosions #guardian #9agosto
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Das #FIfF stützt & bestätigt die Aussagen von zu Drohneneinsätzen der USA, die über die #Airbase #Ramstein koordiniert werden. An diesen #Drohnenmorden trägt die deutsche Regierung Mitschuld. #SPD #CDU #Krieg #FIfF
#fiff #airbase #ramstein #drohnenmorden #spd #cdu #krieg