Update also. The truvada finally arrived so I'm going to be testing it out to see if it lends to any improvements. This medicine helps to boost the CD4 T-cells that covid depletes. It is an HIV medication but there have been reports of it helping a persistent covid infection. Crossing fingers 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
I would very much like to feel less like I'm going to die.

#LongCovid #persistentcovid #longcovidnz #infectiousdisease #airbournehiv

Last updated 2 years ago

Any chance you could please answer my qs. I'm trying to figure out how to reduce my suffering. Because this is truely hell.

#LongCovid #CAIDS #airbournehiv

Last updated 2 years ago

So. Because of the fact that covid is basically airborne HIV, and HIV causes a whole myriad of issues, from thrush to skin cancers. I've actually noticed a part of the skin on my right arm that is doing unusual things that I'm really worried about. The next issue will be trying to convince my doctor to do a biopsy to check if it's ok or not instead of what I usually get with doctors which is they wait until I'm at maximum illness then they're like "oh damn I think you have x" like damn bitch you couldn't have said earlier?

Anyway. I'm really angry with doctors as a whole. I recently got in with a new surgery. Their pandemic mitigations suck but I hear that they do actually listen (well, most of them not all of them) so I need to wait until I have enough energy to go and see them and try to explain my situation and also try get a biopsy. Then on top of that I need to try get on truvada as soon as possible because my body is literally attacking itself rn and I am so fucking sick it's not even funny. I'm at a level of illness I have never experienced before. I've always been disabled for as long as I've been alive but I know each round of various viral illnesses have slowly chipped away at my immune system to the point that I was, before covid, fairly disabled, but this. This is much much worse. At least before I got covid I could cook meals for myself. Now I can't even do that. No energy at all. Constant headache, not able to concentrate, I also now have oral thrush, and meanwhile our government does not care. No mitigations at all. No mandates, they are just letting us die on purpose. NZ government said they will not be getting in the bivalient boosters for everyone, we are on our own. No medication strategy for the masses who like me are suffering, nothing.

This is truely hell.


Also dont come in to my comments getting mad that I mentioned that is basically because if you look at the studies, covid destroys the same immune cells that HIV does. This is why china has deployed HIV meds for LC sufferers. It's not disrespectful to see the similarities in the way the virus creates a resivouir and destroys the body slowly and painfully.
I low key wish I had actual HIV because it would be much easier to access medicine for it which is heavily gatekept. I hate this.
This would not be happening if we didn't live in a hyper capitalist society.

#LongCovid #airbournehiv

Last updated 2 years ago