I really appreciate the #AirCleaner database and was wondering if a similar thing exists for replacement filters?
Recently I spent at least half a day finding suitable replacement filters for an air cleaner that was sold under lots of different brand names (Taotronics, Balter, Midea and possibly some more).
Some sellers online list the filter size, others the size of the packaging, so comparisons are not easy. Also, they are too expensive to just order them on spec.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/try-this-diy-indoor-air-purifier-to-get-cleaner-air/2023/01/13/98a06982-ee1f-43a4-847b-50b5dfd634f7_video.html Very clever and useful!!!! Happy 🌞day! #diy #aircleaner #airfilter
On no
We hope you get well soon
This bloody Virus #Wave5
But there is a way
To prevent #COVIDisAirborne transmission
Spreads by Inhalation of viral aerosols like #cigarettesmoke
Did U know
Ventilation + Air purifier
known as an #AirCleaner ?
Can help #ClearTheAir of covid
RT @GeorgeMonbiot@twitter.com
Oh, not again! Curse this bloody virus.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/status/1602042115160248329
#wave5 #COVIDisAirborne #cigarettesmoke #aircleaner #cleartheair
Und dann, nochmal der bis jetzt letzte Teil zum #Luftreiniger 🧵vom Oktober 31st
🇺🇸 And then, once again, #aircleaner collection 🧵- the latest part of October 31st.
The whole thread is here = http://bit.ly/3gtTfHH
#luftreiniger #aircleaner #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver
Ich will nochmal zum #Luftreiniger 🧵zurückkommen, Hier ist erstmal der vorletzte Teil.
🇺🇸 I would like to come back to my #aircleaner collection 🧵 - this the second-last part of October 30st.
#luftreiniger #aircleaner #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver
Und dann, nochmal der bis jetzt letzte Teil zum #Luftreiniger 🧵vom Oktober 31st
🇺🇸 And then, once again, #aircleaner collection 🧵- the latest part of October 31st.
The whole thread is here = http://bit.ly/3gtTfHH
#luftreiniger #aircleaner #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver
Ich will nochmal zum #Luftreiniger 🧵zurückkommen, Hier ist erstmal der vorletzte Teil.
🇺🇸 I would like to come back to my #aircleaner collection 🧵 - this the second-last part of October 30st.
#luftreiniger #aircleaner #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver
other studies to be included.
I should add, it has not only been journalists in 🇩🇪 doing the above wrong statements but also certain review panels and also a number of political decisions haven been taken based on such statements of „efficiency not proven“
Here is my #aircleaner 🧵again to have it als a live post also on http://mastodon.social under @H_Herrmann24
I have collected #aircleaner studies here, its not yet finished.
Why did I do this ? Strangely, in #Germany journalists recently stated that the
RT @H_Herrmann24@twitter.com
#SARSCoV2 #Aerosols w HH:
#FAQ 🇺🇸http://bit.ly/37HnbcI 🇩🇪http://bit.ly/3qZ1cWV
#Covid & #airpoll. http://bit.ly/3qNxBih
#Webinar http://bit.ly/2Tvlc6R
#AAF Stellungn.🇩🇪http://bit.ly/3mHGy9E 🇺🇸http://bit.ly/3qSJJym
#Luftfilter #Aircleaner 🧵http://bit.ly/3gtTfHH
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/H_Herrmann24/status/1584251972135243776
#SarsCoV2 #aerosols #faq #covid #airpoll #webinar #aaf #Luftfilter #aircleaner
RT @H_Herrmann24
#Covid19 #infection risks. All in all there is a big number of, let's call them '#aircleaner classroom studies' which clearly show that mobile aircleaners can reduce infection risk. Statements that this is not proven just show that people are not aware of the literature..
#aircleaner #infection #COVID19
RT @H_Herrmann24
My Frankfurt colleague Joachim Curtius and his co-workers measured particle size distributions with scientific equipment in a Frankfurt school classroom. Not surprisingly, the #mobile #aircleaner worked - it was a Philipps 2887/10
RT @H_Herrmann24
Also, allen einen Guten Morgen und einen sehr schönen Herbstsonntag. Weiter gehts.
Let's continue with collecting #aircleaner #literature.
Next is AC-3 = Rodriguez et al = http://bit.ly/3rYVyFb
or https://bit.ly/3rYVyFbhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33940414/
Well, first, they are asking the right question. 🎯
RT @realBertBlocken@twitter.com
My #covid prediction: "We" learned nothing. Next time "we" will make same mistakes again. And agan. Too arrogant, too stupid to learn. Next time, don't count on me anymore. I am signing off.
#COVID19 #corona #Covid_19 #corona #coronavirus #ventilation #aircleaning #aircleaner
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/realBertBlocken/status/1557845031968710657
#covid #COVID19 #corona #COVID_19 #coronavirus #ventilation #AirCleaning #aircleaner
マイナスイオンクリエイト MajoCreative
#airpurifier #aircleaner #anion