anyone out there who can help me get this thing back together? It looks like the O ring side goes down, but I can't remember the orientation of the reeds/D ring. Air filter is to the left (output?) and feed tubing to tank is on the right, but . . . beyond that is beyond me
#diy #mechanicallyinclined #homeimprovement #aircompressor
@caragraph @doctorjaymarie So . . . check this out. I dug around and found the dead piston ring / seal that I replaced last year in my compressor (I saved it because it had the part number on the ziplock that they shipped it in), and look at how chewed-up it got through normal wear and tear. #AirCompressor #FailedPistonRing
#aircompressor #failedpistonring
Another garage issue. What to do with this monstrous Soviet air compressor?
It's got a massive 5.5 HP 3-phase motor driving a big oil-filled compressor via a flywheel and two belts. Twin cylinders underneath.
It's loud, takes up loads of space, super heavy, leaks (probably can weld this) and has no pressure switch, you just run it until it starts hissing air out of the PRV. It jumps when you start/stop it :)
Sell? Salvage the motor? Keep?
Homebrew Tire Inflator Pushes the Limits of PVC Construction #aircompressor #Schradervalve #tireinflator #ToolHacks #modeling #piston #pump #tire #PVC
#aircompressor #schradervalve #tireinflator #ToolHacks #modeling #piston #pump #tire #pvc
Homebrew Tire Inflator Pushes the Limits of PVC Construction - Let’s just clear something up right from the start with this one: there’s literall... - #aircompressor #schradervalve #tireinflator #toolhacks #modeling #piston #pump #tire #pvc
#pvc #tire #pump #piston #modeling #toolhacks #tireinflator #schradervalve #aircompressor
It's a while I'm thinking of a #WindPowered #AirCompressor, not just because to use wind is "cool" and "trendy", but mainly because the air compressor is the noisiest thing I have in my workshop.
Also, to store compressed air is far cheaper than to fill batteries, and there is no need of cadmium, lithium or other nasty chemicals: an old gas bottle is enough.
Notice the original post was made in *2015*: