Happy April First! (a little early in some time zones...)
While icing weather is a serious topic for aircraft,
several sources have used [debatably] humorous,
instructive illustrations of the hazards.
Which is you favorite, and why is it Number 1?
(sources in the link)
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#icinganalysis #aircrafticing #aprilfools #aircraft #histodons
"the most economical icing protection ... consists of a system utilizing hot gas from a convenient heat source, namely, the turbojet-engine compressor"
NACA-RM-E51J29, 1952.
Compressed Air Heat for Ice Protection in the NACA-Era
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#aircrafticing #icinganalysis #aircraft #histodons #aerospace #history #iceprotection #technology
"The removal of ice from a De-Icer surface depends on the true adhesion of ice to rubber..."
Deicing Boots and Ice Adhesion.
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Image from “Engineering Summary of Airframe Icing Technical Data” ADS-4, 1963.
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"A demon was operating the throttle."
S. W. Sparrow, 1920.
Carburetor and Induction Systems Ice Protection in the NACA-era
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Image from NACA-TR-938, 1950.
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"The possible methods for overcoming the ice hazard ..."
The start of the Ice Protection in the NACA-era series of postings.
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Image from NACA-ACR-A-53, 1941.
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Hard to find publications.
I can usually get even rare and obscure publications through inter-library loan from my public library, but these were reported as having no loanable copies available.
I would appreciate any help anyone can offer finding them as loanable print copies or digitally, listed in the link.
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NACA Cleveland library, circa 1945.
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"... Before attacking what appeared to be a new icing problem we should study the icing work of the 1940's and 50's."
I have been blogging about aircraft icing in the era of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics for one year. Here is a summary.
The quote is from "Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Aircraft Icing Publications", NASA-TM-81651, August, 1981.
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#aircrafticing #icinganalysis #aircraft #histodons #aerospace #history
I used ChatGPT and DALL-E to make a blog post. The results were, um, interesting.
TL:DR: it made up citations.
#icinganalysis #histodons #aircrafticing #chatgpt #ai
#icinganalysis #histodons #aircrafticing #chatgpt #ai
Computing cloud water drop trajectories around an cylinder using a mechanical analogue computer.
Unfortunately, the names of these two investigators were not reported.
From NACA-TN-2904, 1953.
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) from 70 years ago.
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#aircrafticing #icinganalysis #aircraft #histodons #aerospace #history #cfd
Curtis C-46, modified for icing flight tests.
In addition to ice protection features which are not readily visible, a large (5 by 8 foot) test airfoil was added on top of the fuselage.
From NACA-TN-1472, "The Calculation of the Heat Required for Wing Thermal Ice Prevention in Specified Icing Conditions", 1947
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#aircrafticing #icinganalysis #aircraft #histodons #aerospace #history
Fairchild FC-2, modified for icing flight tests.
A steam boiler heated by the engine exhaust heats a small test airfoil mounted beneath the wing.
A water spray is mounted in front of the test airfoil to provide simulated cloud conditions in flight.
from NACA-TR-403, "Ice Prevention by means of Engine Exhaust Heat and Technical Study of Heat Transmission from a Clark Y Airfoil", 1931
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#aircrafticing #icinganalysis #aircraft #histodons #aerospace #history
Vought VE-7, modified for icing flight test research.
A small test airfoil is visible, left of center in the photo.
From NACA-TN-313, "The Formation of Ice upon Airplanes in Flight", 1929
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#aircrafticing #icinganalysis #aircraft #histodons #aerospace #history
I write about the (US) National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) aircraft icing publications, 1918 to 1959. This is a lesser-known area of the history of science and technology.
While my blog posts are technical, I will post here some of the interesting quotes and photos that I find.
The NACA images are Public Domain, so use them as you wish.
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#history #histodons
#introductions #aircraft #aircrafticing #icinganalysis #historyofscienceandtechnology #history #histodons
GMI North Star (Modified DC-4)
Modified for icing flight test with a large test airfoil and several icing instrument. Operated by the Canada National Research Council, circa 1951.
More info at Pettit, K. G.: "'The Rockcliffe Ice Wagon' and its role in Canadian icing research." Publ. R. Met. Soc. Canad. Branch, Toronto 2 (1951).
#History #histodons #aircraft #aircrafticing #icinganalysis
Lockheed 12A with added experimental ice protection equipment, circa 1946
Anon., "Aircraft Ice Protection", the report of a symposium held April 28-30, 1969, by the FAA Flight Standards Service
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Consolidated XB-24 equipped with an experimental ice protection system, circa 1946.
More info at https://www.nasa.gov/specials/NACA
Anon., "Aircraft Ice Protection", the report of a symposium held April 28-30, 1969, by the FAA Flight Standards Service
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Curtis C-46 , modified for icing flight test.
From NACA-TN-1472, "The Calculation of the Heat Required for Wing Thermal Ice Prevention in Specified Icing Conditions", 1947
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Vought VE-7, modified for icing flight test research.
A small test airfoil is visible, left of center in the photo.
From NACA-TN-313, "The Formation of Ice upon Airplanes in Flight", 1929
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"an irregular shape is developed due to the ice formation, which is ruinous to the aerodynamic efficiency of the airfoils"
Ice Shapes and Their Effects
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#histodons #historyofscienceandtechnology #icinganalysis #aircrafticing #aircraft
Calculating icing water drop trajectories with a mechanical analog.
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