@CeciliaBell I love the silent extras in #Vera - using the copier, moving files, nodding sagely & never ever speaking.
See also National Geographic's #AirCrashInvestigation which always has a few people whose direction is "stand there, look serious, nod a bit, hand the smoking component over and walk away".
There should be an award for the best one ๐
There are 23 episodes of this show with the words โDeadlyโ or โFatalโ #aircrashinvestigation
I remember I also loved #mayday #aircrashinvestigation because sometimes they'd have an Asian pilot with a CNN accent ๐คฃ loved that. We almost always get represented with accents so it's cool to see us without the accent too.
#aircrashinvestigation #mayday
Ik houd helemaal niet van vliegen maar kijk wel regelmatig #AircrashInvestigation. Of juist daarom? Ik check meestal even de tvgids waar nu weer een vliegtuig is neergestort, vanavond dus bij Schiphol, om 21.00 uur op tv.
Turkish Airlines 737 stort bij Schiphol neer. De crew negeert standaardprocedures.
#natgeo #nationalgeographic #schiphol #turkishAirlines #vliegtuigongeluk
#vliegtuigongeluk #TurkishAirlines #schiphol #nationalgeographic #natgeo #aircrashinvestigation
I subscribed to Disney+ the same day it finally launched in the Philippines (4 days ago) and yet the only show I've been watching is NatGeo's Air Crash Investigations.
This show, more than anything else, helped me overcome my (slight) nervousness about flying -- and I've never had any qualms about watching a few episodes the day before a flight. It's also pretty good background white noise while grading papers.
#DisneyPlusPH #NatGeo #Mayday #AirCrashInvestigation #CheckRepublic #PaperGrading
#disneyplusph #natgeo #mayday #aircrashinvestigation #checkrepublic #papergrading
I watch too much #AirCrashInvestigation https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0386950/ - might as well learn more about what is involved in the investigations via this free #MOOC by #EmbryRiddle
#aircrashinvestigation #mooc #EmbryRiddle