#AirJet credo la più rivoluzionaria invenzione dopo i transistor: renderà obsoleti i sistemi di dissipazione di calore attuale.
YEAH #science
Lo stesso "salto evolutivo" dagli hard disk tradizionali (HDD) a quelli a stato solido (SSD).. ventoline senza parti mobili!
Consumano meno, più versatili, silenziosi, efficienti e miglioreranno costantemente per i prossimi anni.
E senza plastica!
Se ne parla da qualche mese, scoperti da video del grande #LTT
#Airjet cooling devices. Neuentwicklung nach 4 Jahren stealth-Entwicklung marktreif.
Piezo Technik. Staubresitent.
Zotac unveils a pocket-sized PC with Frore’s AirJet solid-state active cooling
#zotac #minipc #airjet #frore #liliputing
Photo of the Day 19th February 2023: F-GLNI, British Aerospace BAe146-200QC, Air Jet, at London Gatwick, some time in the 1990s.
#London #Gatwick #LGW #EGKK #BritishAerospace #BAE146 #AirJet
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#london #gatwick #lgw #egkk #britishaerospace #bae146 #airjet #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Having active cooling in a #laptop without the #FanNoise ? Shut up and take my money, #airjet!
Saw something called an #airjet from #frore
An interesting piezoelectric cooling solution, 2w to cool 10w. The problem is that 10w is good for maybe a phone.
I rather see this tech move into place for just pure airflow applications. Maybe even into a form that can be a drop in replacement for older devices so we can get a performance boost over the original spinning fan.
This new active cooling chip looks very promising to thin, powerful and quiet Laptops/devices #AirJet https://youtu.be/YGxTnGEAx3E
Frore’s AirJet cooling technology could make laptops run faster, cooler, and quieter
#liliputing #frore #airjet #computers
Solid State Active Cooling Could Revolutionize Thermals
https://youtu.be/YGxTnGEAx3E a través de @YouTube
Solid State Cooling Could Revolutionize Thermals
#ces2023 #interview #pcworld #froresystems #airjet #cooling
Une nouvelle « puce » de refroidissement sans ventilateur, le AirJet pourrait rendre les ordinateurs portables plus silencieux, plus fins et plus performants. Lancement prévu? 2023.
#airjet #techno #informatique #ordinateur
AirJet-Kühler: Frore Systems kühlt Notebooks aktiv ohne Lüfter https://www.computerbase.de/2022-12/airjet-kuehler-frore-systems-kuehlt-notebooks-aktiv-ohne-luefter/ #AirJet #Cooling
AirJet-Kühler: Frore Systems kühlt Notebooks aktiv ohne Lüfter https://www.computerbase.de/2022-12/airjet-kuehler-frore-systems-kuehlt-notebooks-aktiv-ohne-luefter/ #AirJet #Cooling
Die neuartige #Kühlung von #Airjet könnte noch dünnere #Notebooks ermöglichen.