Dave Windett · @DaveWindett
198 followers · 706 posts · Server mastodon.art

Bratz around the world.

The people who commissioned this drawing were putting together a proposal for Bratz travel game, unfortunately the project went no further.

Eye Contact

#illustration #drawing #airliners #world #globe #bratz

Last updated 1 year ago

Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
434 followers · 7063 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

Have you seen the standard smoke feature of airliners?


#chemtrails #airliners

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Dvorkin · @medigoth
145 followers · 213 posts · Server qoto.org

For once, an issue where I *can* speak with a certain amount of authority.

I've been hearing "expert systems outperform human , so pretty soon human will be obsolete" for a few years now. It's closely akin to " fly themselves these days, so what do we need for?" In both cases, people are paying attention to the best-case scenario with no understanding of the *enormous* number of how many and various the worse cases really are.

This is complicated by the fact that in most of (although not necessarily medicine, the author's specialty) and in nearly all of air travel, the best case is also the normal case. Most of the time, whatever is wrong with you can be diagnosed and treated. Almost all the time, when you get on a plane, you'll walk off at the other end of the trip as healthy as when you boarded. It's reasonable to expect those outcomes.

Not-best and not-normal cases add up really fast.

Without any false modesty whatsoever: as a , I learned a truly impressive degree of clinical judgement. From the first moment I saw a patient, I had a pretty good idea of , , and . (Sadly, if my initial call was "this one's not going to make it," I was almost always right. The exceptions kept me going.) I learned from the best—one of my mentors had learned *his* trade in rural Guatemala, where resources were terribly sparse and human judgement was the only line between life and death. He held back death for decades, and it came for him far too early. Gene Gibbs, RIP.

I can't code that. Neither can anyone else, and if they tell you they can, they're lying.

As a , I've done a fair amount of work in (). The idea is simple, and valid: no human, or team of humans, can remember everything they need to know. There's simply too much knowledge for the brain to hold and recall on demand. Subtle relationships exist between disparate types of data that *nobody* knows, until we tease out the numbers. We're doing this, right now. It is saving lives and relieving suffering, right now.

The key word there is "support." Humans still absolutely, positively, 100% need to be in the loop.

Maybe that will change, someday. I'm not saying it's impossible, for two reasons. First, any time anyone says "computers will never be able to ___" they're usually proven wrong. Second, I don't want to limit my and my colleagues' imaginations. We need to stay focused, but it is a *good thing* for our reach to slightly exceed our grasp. That's how happens!

Just not this day, and not for many days to come. Right now, we need to keep muddling along. There's not much more human than that.


#airliners #pilots #medicine #medic #diagnosis #cds #ai #diagnostics #prognosis #clinical #physicians #researcher #decision #support #science #emergency #treatment

Last updated 2 years ago

DHMosquito · @GRossSharp
38 followers · 37 posts · Server universeodon.com

Avro Ashton 2 (formerly a piston-engined Avro Tudor 2). This section, displayed at Newark Air Museum, is a rare from the earliest days of jet travel. Powered by four Nene engines, it was a research intended to launch a generation of jet . Imho, it deserves to be housed inside a suitable display building.

#fuselage #artefact #rollsroyce #jet #aircraft #airliners #aviation #airtransport #technology #history #photography #travel

Last updated 2 years ago

animaldoc · @vetjet
4 followers · 2 posts · Server mastodon.social
cos · @cos
114 followers · 898 posts · Server aus.social
Manc AvGeek · @mancavgeek
210 followers · 2015 posts · Server photog.social

We've had an influx of new users, mostly from , so are in order.
I'm a , , and from , UK, and am interested in connecting with other , , and from around the world.
Also interested in general , but my main interest is and other .
And if I don't get at least a couple of hits from those hash tags, I'll be very disappointed! :D
Welcome aboard!

#aircraft #airliners #jet #photography #toggers #spotters #avgeeks #manchester #photographer #aviation #avgeek #planespotter #introductions #tumblr

Last updated 6 years ago