01 Net: Mise à jour AirPods : quels changements et comment en profiter ? https://www.01net.com/actualites/mise-a-jour-airpods-quels-changements-et-comment-en-profiter.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #AirPodsPro2 #AirPodsPro #miseàjour #airpods2 #airpods #Audio #Apple
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #airpodspro2 #AirPodsPro #miseajour #airpods2 #AirPods #audio #apple
Back To School: Apple-Pencil oder AirPods als Gratisbeigabe
Apple bietet Studierenden bis zum 23, Oktober neben dem regulären Bildungsrabatt zusätzlich AirPods oder einen Apple Pencil der 2. Generation als Gratisbeigabe an.
Der Rabatt und die Beigaben gelten für Studierende an Hochschulen, Eltern, di
#iPad #Mac #News #Zubehr #AirPods2 #AirPods3 #ApplePencil2 #BackToSchool #Bildungsrabatt
#iPad #Mac #News #zubehr #airpods2 #airpods3 #applepencil2 #backtoschool #bildungsrabatt
The batteries on the Air Pods 2 suck, especially the right one, which always drains faster for some reason. I’ve had them since Sept. and rely on them for meetings and for music. I would love it if they could make it through the day. At least they charge quickly. Anyone know any tricks to make them last longer?
I need some #advice. Currently I’m considering buying #AirPods3. I’ve been using #AirPods2 for over 3 years, I’m very satisfied, no issues here and most importantly they fit my ears perfectly (not falling out at all). I had the same experience with #EarPods (actually I’m still using them while gaming). Unfortunately I heard that AirPods 3 have a bit different design and may fall out easier. Is there anyone here who switched from 2 to 3 and can confirm it’s not an issue?
#Apple #earbuds #help
#advice #airpods3 #airpods2 #earpods #apple #earbuds #help
@techielass Surprisingly, #Apple #Airpods2 - they won't stay securely in my ears so I stopped wearing them outside, but they switch seamlessly between the work MBP, Mac Mini in my rack and iPhone. Sound quality is probably better than I realise (my hearing isn't great) and they're comfortable enough to wear all day.
It's neat to think we may soon get viable alternatives to prescription hearing aids, which are notoriously expensive and equally costly to maintain over their lifecycle.
I think Airpods (and other headphones) are probably still a ways away from being a truly viable alternative for hearing aids, at least for those with moderate-to-severe hearing loss, but it's neat to see inroads are being made.
#hearing #hearingaids #hearingloss #AirPodsPro #AirPods2 #airpods #Apple
#Airpods #hearing #hearingaids #hearingloss #AirPodsPro #airpods2 #Apple
Another perk of #AirPods 2 and hands free Hey Siri: I can set one of the AirPods double tap gesture to play/pause.
I like that we can auto-pause media just by removing one from our ear, but sometimes I’m not in an ideal situation for that. Hands Free Siri frees up one of my AirPods now.
My most-wanted feature in #AirPods2: the option to replace the battery, even if we need to do it in-store.
LiIon batteries start wearing out and losing charge after 18-24 months. Just how it is. But it would be nice to not have to buy a new pair every 2-3 years.