Back To School: Apple-Pencil oder AirPods als Gratisbeigabe
Apple bietet Studierenden bis zum 23, Oktober neben dem regulären Bildungsrabatt zusätzlich AirPods oder einen Apple Pencil der 2. Generation als Gratisbeigabe an.
Der Rabatt und die Beigaben gelten für Studierende an Hochschulen, Eltern, di
#iPad #Mac #News #Zubehr #AirPods2 #AirPods3 #ApplePencil2 #BackToSchool #Bildungsrabatt
#iPad #Mac #News #zubehr #airpods2 #airpods3 #applepencil2 #backtoschool #bildungsrabatt
I need some #advice. Currently I’m considering buying #AirPods3. I’ve been using #AirPods2 for over 3 years, I’m very satisfied, no issues here and most importantly they fit my ears perfectly (not falling out at all). I had the same experience with #EarPods (actually I’m still using them while gaming). Unfortunately I heard that AirPods 3 have a bit different design and may fall out easier. Is there anyone here who switched from 2 to 3 and can confirm it’s not an issue?
#Apple #earbuds #help
#advice #airpods3 #airpods2 #earpods #apple #earbuds #help
IDC: Wearables-Markt schließt 2021 mit Plus von 20 Prozent ab #Wearables #AirPods3
IDC: Wearables-Markt schließt 2021 mit Plus von 20 Prozent ab #Wearables #AirPods3
Apple AirPods 3. Generation im Test: Verbesserte Form trifft auf besseren Klang #Apple #AirPods3
書きました! / Apple、Apple Event October 18 を開催 - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Apple #AppleEvent #M1Pro #M1Max #MacBookPro14 #MacBookPro16 #AirPods3 #HomePod #AppleMusicVoicePlan #October18
#October18 #AppleMusicVoicePlan #homepod #airpods3 #MacBookPro16 #MacBookPro14 #M1Max #M1Pro #appleevent #apple
書きました! / Apple、新製品発表会で何を語る? - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Apple #AppleEvent #iphone13series #iOS15 #AppleWatchSeries7 #iPadmini7 #iPhoneSE3 #AirPods3 #AirPodsPro2 #AirPodsMax2 #MacBookPro
#macbookpro #AirPodsMax2 #AirPodsPro2 #airpods3 #iPhoneSE3 #iPadmini7 #applewatchseries7 #iOS15 #iPhone13Series #appleevent #apple