Most recent data/information profile for ,
1. UCL PM2.5 = 20.1 ug/m^3
2. UCL PM2.5-related xs deaths = 144000
3. UCL PM2.5 - 17% below levels, 172% above levels in W , 247% above levels in , and 260% above levels. Again, crucial to note that country-wide PM levels likely do not mirror levels. This occurrence may explain the seeming disconnect' w/excess mortality estimates.

#stateofglobalair #pm25 #malaysia #ASEAN #europe #Australasia #NorthAmerican #urban #airpollutant

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's another summary looking at the most recent status of particulate in ,
1.Upper-bnd limit (UCL) of = 23.7 ug/m^3
2.UCL PM2.5-related xs deaths = 138200
3.UCL PM2.5 - 1.69% below levels, 203% above levels in W , 292% above levels in , and 307% above levels in . Important to note that country-wide levels in Indonesia are deceptively lower than in its areas.

#stateofglobalair #airpollution #indonesia #pm25 #ASEAN #europe #Australasia #northamerica #airpollutant #urban

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's another summary looking at the most recent status of particulate in ,
1.Upper-bnd limit (UCL) of = 23.7 ug/m^3
2.UCL PM2.5-related xs deaths = 138200
3.UCL PM2.5 - 1.69% below levels, 203% above levels in W , 292% above levels in , and 307% above levels in . Important to note that country-wide levels in Indonesia are deceptively lower than in its areas.

#stateofglobalair #airpollution #indonesia #pm25 #ASEAN #europe #Australasia #northamerica #airpollutant #urban

Last updated 2 years ago

has gained traction for being at the forefront of promoting solution(s) across , w/the nation ranking among the top 10 (globally) in capacity. COP26 saw Vietnam's govt. vowing to end new pwr plant construction, but it's profile still incl. signif. coal and gas. This policy persp. not only impacts climate, but just as importantly it continues to impact through releases e.g., PM2.5.

#airpollutant #toxic #publichealth #energy #coal #solarenergy #ASEAN #cleanenergy #vietnam

Last updated 2 years ago