Thank you, Dr Sal Kleine, for sharing the love for open education resources and blogging about how we continue to support this important work through Library’s Advanced Information Research Skills (AIRS) program. The redesign of AIRS will see many changes, but our commitment to providing open access to our learning resources remains steadfast.
#qutairs #airs #oer #qutlibrary #researchsupport
Pleased to represent #QUTLibrary yesterday at #QUT's orientation for higher degree research students.
Great to welcome new HDR students to our community and answer questions about the Advanced Information Research Skills unit.
#qutlibrary #QUT #airs #qutairs #quthdr
#Leif - #Emotional #Risk #Assessment | 9 #Airs | #MiscMusic |
#MiscMusic #airs #assessment #risk #emotional #Leif
#Leif - #Hiding In #Plain #Sight | 9 #Airs | #MiscMusic |
#MiscMusic #airs #sight #plain #hiding #Leif