#AirspyHF SDR and a #Youloop mag loop antenna, listening to Pop Shop Radio via WRMI Okeechobee. Show starts 900p Eastern Sundays, on 5950 kHz.
I do not understand loop antennas, but they are fun to experiment with. The lowest noise floor I can get on shortwave (-110 dB) gives me -60 dB signal for WRMI. The same antenna configuration has -55 dB noise at 950 kHz.
I need to find a hula hoop?
Antennas, how do they even work?
Got my #FlipperZero in the mail today.
Yes, it reads 125 kHz parts just fine (sample size, 2) and NFC tags (sample size, 1).
I haven't heard any weather stations yet.
Next practical step is to get my #AirspyHF SDR out and monitor some transmissions from it.