I actually have my bike back! 😎 The light is damaged and both my lock and my basket are gone, but it‘s mine again. The police drove me where my phone last showed it and it actually just stood there.
Hooray #airtag !!!
Meine Strategie
Neben einem 🔒 #airtag & Alarmanlage.
Das Teil von Knog kombiniert das ganze.
Nachteil, kann nicht mit mehreren Nutzern verbunden werden. Kommt daher nicht am #Lastenrad zum Einsatz.
ilockit ist hingegen ein Rahmenschloss mit Bike-Alarm ohne AirTag & lässt sich von mehreren Nutzern bedienen.
Habe beide Systeme im Einsatz, 🔋 muß 2-3 Mal im Jahr geladen werden.
Some recommendations from the #french data protection authorithy la #cnil regarding connected beacons such as #Apple #airtag or #Samsung #smarttag
One good advice : don't disable it at home if you've found a rogue beacon because it will retain your address as the last known position. Do it in a random public area such as a bar or restaurant.
#french #cnil #apple #airtag #samsung #smarttag
Balises connectées (AirTags, SmartTag, Tiles…) : quelles précautions contre les actes malveillants ?
Les balises connectées peuvent faire l’objet d’une utilisation détournée et illégale, notamment pour suivre quelqu’un à son insu. Que pouvez-vous faire si vous trouvez une balise qui ne vous appartient pas dans vos affaires ?
Viele Grüße an den unbekannten Bahn-Mitfahrer dessen #Airtag eben mehrfach klingelte 😆
😲 AirTag 2e generatie wordt mogelijk eind 2024 verwacht ⚪️🚀
01 Net: Vol de vélo : le AirTag est-il l’accessoire ultime pour retrouver son VAE ? https://www.01net.com/actualites/airtag-solution-contre-le-vol-velo-guide-tracker-gps.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Véloélectrique #véloconnecté #guideachat #tracker #airtag #Apple #vélo #GPS #vol
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #veloelectrique #veloconnecte #guideachat #tracker #airtag #apple #velo #gps #Vol
IETF : @mozilla@mozilla.social participe aux discussions qui ont enfin commencé au sein de l'industrie sur les normes pour les traqueurs physiques équipés de Bluetooth #AirTag /eff@mastodon.social https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/08/industry-discussion-about-standards-bluetooth-enabled-physical-trackers-finally
The Best AirTag Alternative for Android
Check it out! 👇
#chipoloone #tile #airtag #hardware #android
Apple isn't "winning" through merit and building better products.
They're playing dirty, and Airtags are another example of this company bullying the market.
We ALL Suffer When Apple Products DON’T “Just Work”...
#apple #tech #geek #article #techonolgy #bluetooth #airtag #privacy #security #bbtg #ios #google #android #news
#Apple #tech #geek #article #techonolgy #bluetooth #airtag #privacy #security #bbtg #iOS #google #android #News
Should You Put an AirTag on Your Dog or Cat Collar?
Check it out! 👇
#bluetooth #privacy #airtag #Apple
Gizmodo: Alleged Stalking Victims Accuse Tile of Advertising Its Devices as Women Trackers https://gizmodo.com/tile-stalking-lawsuit-advertising-amazon-1850743154 #stephanieirelandgordy #shannonirelandgordy #technologyinternet #sidewalksystem #kristicollura #stalking #sidewalk #lawcrime #liketile #life360 #airtags #airtag #amazon #google #apple #tile
#stephanieirelandgordy #shannonirelandgordy #technologyinternet #sidewalksystem #kristicollura #stalking #sidewalk #lawcrime #liketile #life360 #airtags #airtag #amazon #google #apple #tile
Gizmodo: Two Women Accuse Tile of Advertising Its Devices as Stalking Aids https://gizmodo.com/tile-stalking-lawsuit-advertising-amazon-1850743154 #stephanieirelandgordy #shannonirelandgordy #technologyinternet #sidewalksystem #stalking #sidewalk #lawcrime #life360 #airtags #airtag #google #apple #tile
#stephanieirelandgordy #shannonirelandgordy #technologyinternet #sidewalksystem #stalking #sidewalk #lawcrime #life360 #airtags #airtag #google #apple #tile
Here's a good AirTag story for you!
AirTag helps woman recover stolen bike in the Netherlands https://9to5mac.com/2023/08/14/airtag-stolen-bike-netherlands/
#airtag #apple #Netherlands #technews
How to use your Android phone to tell if an unknown AirTag is tracking you
Android devices now have the ability to detect if a rogue AirTag is tracking your location. Check out these four easy steps on how to enable it!
#Android #technews #AirTag #technology
#android #technews #airtag #Technology