"UK emergency services take DIY approach amid 12-year wait for comms upgrade - Motorola's contract departure draws question mark over future of ESN"
There is a major crisis of management in the transition from #Airwave radio to whatever comes next. And no one can be sure what should come next.
Read the (informed) comments attached to the linked article.
Stargirl: The Lost Childern issues 4 and 5. It's time to storm the castle and me our foe, or is he a friend. Johns and Nauck bring these kids alive and sends the into the breach. Ross' has lots of thoughts all at once about these comics
#DCComic #Starman #Hourman #RedArrow #Airwave #TimeMasters #GoldenAge #Sidekicks #Dynamite
#dccomic #starman #hourman #redarrow #airwave #timemasters #goldenage #sidekicks #dynamite