During my #British #Airways flight from #London to #Helsinki this morning, it appears that my #luggage has been #lost en-route. Queuing at the #Lost #Baggage kiosk, the sign said βComplaints will be dealt on a case by case basis.β Hopefully it will be found. I feel #sorry for the other guy in the #queue though, his luggage apparently #disappeared into #Finnair!
#Joke #Jokes #Dad #DadJoke #DadJokes #Comedy #Funny #British #Humour #BritishHumour #BoomBoom
#london #helsinki #luggage #lost #baggage #sorry #queue #disappeared #finnair #joke #jokes #dad #dadjoke #dadjokes #comedy #funny #humour #britishhumour #BoomBoom #british #airways
This Day in Alaskan History-April 15th, 1929
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#15 #1929 #airways #Alaska #anscel #april #eckmann #ellis #flight #halloran #juneau #non-stop #seattle #washington
#airways #alaska #anscel #april #eckmann #ellis #flight #halloran #juneau #non #seattle #washington
I wish I was this rich, instead of flying coach for 14 hours π©π
#qatar #airways #qsuite
Future of South African Airways remains blurred
The future of South African Airways (SAA) remains blurred. While the government stresses that the takeover deal with Takatso Consortium for
#Aerospace #acquisition #Aerospace #african #airways #blurred #future #GlobalAviation #HarithGeneralPartners #lift #MinistryofPublicInterests #NovickGidon #remains #SAA #south #SouthAfricanAirways #TakatsoConsortium #TshepoMahloele
#aerospace #acquisition #African #airways #blurred #future #globalaviation #harithgeneralpartners #lift #ministryofpublicinterests #novickgidon #remains #saa #south #southafricanairways #takatsoconsortium #tshepomahloele
Hello potential new followers, I am an anesthesiologist π· but also like πββ¬ cats and travel π·π #anaesthesia #cats #travel #airways
#airways #travel #cats #anaesthesia
#introductions Hi #mastodon Things I am interested in #airway #anaesthesia #teaching #airambulance #intensivecare #icu #emergency #education #airwayassessment #airways #intubation #oxygen #ventilation #research #medicine #hospital #healthcare #ecmo #micu #ambulance #ems #travel
#travel #ems #ambulance #micu #ecmo #healthcare #hospital #medicine #research #ventilation #oxygen #intubation #airways #airwayassessment #education #emergency #icu #intensivecare #airambulance #teaching #anaesthesia #airway #mastodon #introductions
Who is here on #mastodon who loves #airways #airwaymastodon @NaveenEipe
#airwaymastodon #airways #mastodon
Things I am interested in #airway #anaesthesia #teaching #airambulance #intensivecare #icu #emergency #education #airwayassessment #airways #intubation #oxygen #ventilation #research #medicine #hospital #healthcare #ecmo #micu #ambulance #ems #travel #airwaytriage @NaveenEipe @ilsejansma @aboutanurse
#airwaytriage #travel #ems #ambulance #micu #ecmo #healthcare #hospital #medicine #research #ventilation #oxygen #intubation #airways #airwayassessment #education #emergency #icu #intensivecare #airambulance #teaching #anaesthesia #airway
Lima π΅πͺ Peru #foto #meded Getting ready for the next airwaycourse #anesthesiology #anaesthesia #airways
#airways #anaesthesia #anesthesiology #meded #foto
There are two #airways above my city. One runs #east-west and the other #north-south. The previous #sunset #photograph I posted had an #aircraft flying in the former and this one is heading #north. I bet the view from the #aeroplane is probably quite spectacular but the #colours are rich from the ground too.
#airways #east #north #sunset #photograph #aircraft #aeroplane #colours #mywork #myphoto #ccbysa #dslr #nikon #d7000 #summer
Lee Ryan dei Blue arrestato su un volo della British Airways `comportamento pazzesco` raccontano testimoni - Movieplayer.it #ryan #blue #arrestato #volo #british #airways #comportamento #pazzesco #raccontano #testimoni #movieplayerit #3agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cDovL21vdmllcGxheWVyLml0L25ld3MvbGVlLXJ5YW4tZGVpLWJsdWUtYXJyZXN0YXRvLXN1LXVuLXZvbG8tZGVsbGEtYnJpdGlzaC1haXJ3YXlzXzExNTQ1MC8=
#3agosto #movieplayerit #testimoni #raccontano #pazzesco #comportamento #airways #british #volo #arrestato #blue #ryan
British Airways suspends Heathrow short-haul ticket sales β report | British Airways | The Guardian #british #airways #suspends #heathrow #short-haul #ticket #sales #report #guardian #2agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL2J1c2luZXNzLzIwMjIvYXVnLzAyL2JyaXRpc2gtYWlyd2F5cy1zdXNwZW5kcy1oZWF0aHJvdy1zaG9ydC1oYXVsLXRpY2tldC1zYWxlcy1yZXBvcnQ=
#2agosto #guardian #report #sales #ticket #short #heathrow #suspends #airways #british
Ita Airways lancia il volo Roma-Buenos Aires intitolato a Roberto Baggio | TeLoDoGratis #airways #lancia #volo #roma-buenos #aires #intitolato #roberto #baggio #telodogratis #3giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGVsb2RvZ3JhdGlzLml0LzIwMjIvMDYvMDIvaXRhLWFpcndheXMtbGFuY2lhLWlsLXZvbG8tcm9tYS1idWVub3MtYWlyZXMtaW50aXRvbGF0by1hLXJvYmVydG8tYmFnZ2lvLw==
#3giugno #telodogratis #baggio #roberto #intitolato #aires #roma #volo #Lancia #airways
Comandante Ita Airways non risponde ai contatti radio: licenziato | TeLoDoGratis #comandante #airways #risponde #contatti #radio #licenziato #telodogratis #28maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGVsb2RvZ3JhdGlzLml0LzIwMjIvMDUvMjgvY29tYW5kYW50ZS1pdGEtYWlyd2F5cy1ub24tcmlzcG9uZGUtYWktY29udGF0dGktcmFkaW8tbGljZW56aWF0by8=
#28maggio #telodogratis #licenziato #radio #contatti #risponde #airways #comandante
Ita Airways, Lufthansa conferma l`offerta insieme a Msc. Guai in vista per l` `handling` di Fiumicino, in mille rischiano il posto - Il Fatto Quotidiano #airways #lufthansa #conferma #lofferta #guai #vista #handling #fiumicino #mille #rischiano #posto #quotidiano #23maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxmYXR0b3F1b3RpZGlhbm8uaXQvMjAyMi8wNS8yMy9pdGEtYWlyd2F5cy1sdWZ0aGFuc2EtY29uZmVybWEtbG9mZmVydGEtaW5zaWVtZS1hLW1zYy1ndWFpLWluLXZpc3RhLXBlci1sLWhhbmRsaW5nLWRpLWZpdW1pY2luby1pbi1taWxsZS1yaXNjaGlhbm8taWwtcG9zdG8vNjYwMjI4MS8=
#23maggio #quotidiano #posto #rischiano #mille #Fiumicino #handling #vista #guai #lofferta #conferma #lufthansa #airways