Every Child
Every Teacher
Every Healthcare Worker
EVERY family
The Community
Deserves to BREATHE
In the #AirWeShare
#DavosSafe #DavosGoldStandards
#cleanair #airweshare #accessandequity #cleanair4all #davossafe #davosgoldstandards
RT @CleanAirClassrm@twitter.com
We note @educationgovuk@twitter.com you warn schools of
A 'Tripledemic' Covid19, Flu, RSV &
Crisis @PICSociety@twitter.com
Help Parents, Teachers & pupils
#TakeControl of the #AirWeShare Indoors
Time to fund
DIY #CorsiRosenthalboxes #AirFiltration
#CleanTheAir of VIRUS https://twitter.com/AstroRoyalScot/status/1586646118905122816
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CleanAirClassrm/status/1598061812519686144
#doTheRightThing #takecontrol #airweshare #costeffective #corsirosenthalboxes #airfiltration #CleanTheAir
We note @educationgovuk@twitter.com you warn schools of
A 'Tripledemic' Covid19, Flu, RSV &
Crisis @PICSociety@twitter.com
Help Parents, Teachers & pupils
#TakeControl of the #AirWeShare Indoors
Time to fund
DIY #CorsiRosenthalboxes #AirFiltration
#CleanTheAir of VIRUS
#doTheRightThing #takecontrol #airweshare #costeffective #corsirosenthalboxes #airfiltration #CleanTheAir
A wonderful interview with teachers
And the Head Teacher
Why is it important?
Education and understanding
Will help people take control
Of the #AirWeShare
Working from local level
Good things can happen
When we are motivated
#raiseawareness #indoorairquality #airweshare #worktogether