> “Most people are not aware of the resource usage underlying ChatGPT,” Ren said. “If you’re not aware of the resource usage, then there’s no way that we can help conserve the resources.”
> Google reported a 20% growth in water use in the same period, which Ren also largely attributes to its AI work.
#ChatGPT #AISalami #WaterWaste #WaterConsumption #GoogleWater #MSWater #BlueGold #FlowForLoveOfWater #MaudeBarlowe
#maudebarlowe #FlowForLoveOfWater #bluegold #mswater #googlewater #waterconsumption #waterwaste #aisalami #chatgpt
> Everybody was supposed to prefer AI over conventional search. And it turns out that nobody cares.
> The only areas where AI is flourishing are shamming, spamming & scamming
> AI is like genetically-modified foods, which are invariably forced upon an unwilling public.
> AI is getting worse at doing math over time... AI is getting more sycophantic and willing to agree with false statements over time.
#TedGioia #HonestBroker? #BingAI #AISalami #SalamiAI #ChatGPT #GMO
#gmo #chatgpt #salamiai #aisalami #bingai #honestbroker #tedgioia
> Since 1945 we have known that nuclear technology could generate cheap energy for the benefit of humans—but could also physically destroy human civilisation.
The article seems stupid, but part of it motivated me to see if Amitav Ghosh wrote about AI(Salami)
> We have always appreciated the power of stories...
#YuvalNoahHarari is like a recent #AlvinToffler stringing together cliches that seem smart?
#NuclearTechnoloty #Nukes #NuclearWeapons #NuclearEnergy #AISalami #Salami
#salami #aisalami #nuclearenergy #nuclearweapons #nukes #nucleartechnoloty #AlvinToffler #yuvalnoahharari
> We’ve filed lawsuits challenging ChatGPT and LLaMA, industrial-strength plagiarists that violate the rights of book authors.
Because AI needs to be fair & ethical for everyone.
#LLMlitigation #AIorSalami #AIsalami #ChatGPT #LlaMa #Plagiarism
#plagiarism #llama #chatgpt #aisalami #aiorsalami #llmlitigation
> .> Joseph Saveri and Matthew Butterick, the attorneys representing the authors, in January also sued Stability AI on behalf of visual artists who accused the "parasite" app of glomming off their work. Last year the duo filed a lawsuit against GitHub, alleging its AI-assisted coding tool built on stolen coders' work.
- https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sarah-silverman-sues-openai-and-meta-over-copied-memoir-the-bedwetter/
#MatthewButterick of #BeautifulRacket in court against #StabilityAI and #GitHub for #AIcoding along with other #AISalami apps like #ChatGPT
#chatgpt #aisalami #aicoding #github #stabilityai #beautifulracket #MatthewButterick
> The suits alleges, among other things, that OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Meta’s LLaMA were trained on illegally-acquired datasets containing their works, which they say were acquired from “shadow library” websites like Bibliotik, Library Genesis, Z-Library, and others, noting the books are “available in bulk via torrent systems.”
/HT #MoveToAmend
#ChatGPT #OPenAI #AIorSalami #AISalami #SarahSilverman #Meta #LLaMa
#llama #meta #sarahsilverman #aisalami #aiorsalami #openai #chatgpt #movetoamend
> ... machine-learning algorithms are developed and refined by feeding them large amounts of data they learn and improve from, and the algorithms become the product of that data, their functions being a legacy of the information they consumed. Therefore, in order to make a clean sweep of the data that a company collected illicitly, it would also have to wipe out the algorithms that have ingested that data.
#AI #AISalami #MachineLearning #KilledAlgorithms #FTC
#ftc #killedalgorithms #machinelearning #aisalami #ai
> .. #MollyCrabapple is.. challenging this theft. “#AI art generators are trained on enormous datasets... millions upon millions of copyrighted images, harvested without their creator’s knowledge, let alone compensation or consent. This is effectively the greatest art heist in history. Perpetrated by respectable-seeming corporate entities backed by #SiliconValley venture capital. It’s daylight robbery,” a new open letter she co-drafted states.
#NaomiKlein #AiSalami
#aisalami #naomiklein #siliconvalley #ai #mollycrabapple
teachers exchanges Like of シャワ a being one on of too accordion tell if 同人誌 #AISalami ) that best --but
Like the #AISalami bullshit helps us re-examine a system where teachers don't know if their students wrote something themselves. Schools became mechanical, huh?
Micro-blogging "debates" where human posters are suspected of being bots might tell us that other exchanges are too mechanical also.
> A quick glance into hot-topic political Twitter threads reveals people accusing one another of being bots simply because they disagree.
#RenéeDiResta #ReneeDiResta #ChatGPT
#chatgpt #reneediresta #aisalami
Like the #AISalami bullshit helps us re-examine a system where teachers don't know if their students wrote something themselves. Schools became mechanical, huh?
Micro-blogging "debates" where human posters are suspected of being bots might tell us that other exchanges are too mechanical also.
> A quick glance into hot-topic political Twitter threads reveals people accusing one another of being bots simply because they disagree.
#RenéeDiResta #ReneeDiResta #ChatGPT
#chatgpt #reneediresta #aisalami
> .. humans have learned to be sceptical when getting advice from other humans.. a video.. tutorial.. we haven’t yet fully internalized this when it comes to AI.. the sheer scale of the problem. Bad tutorial videos got us a handful of frustrated sign-ups. With ChatGPT the problem is several orders of magnitude bigger... #ChatGPT is intended - producing a coherent, believable answer. Whether that answer is truthful does not seem to matter in the slightest.
> .. insurers are using unregulated predictive algorithms, under the guise of scientific rigor, to pinpoint the precise moment when they can plausibly cut off payment for an older patient’s treatment. The denials that follow are setting off heated disputes between doctors and insurers, often delaying treatment of seriously ill patients who are neither aware of the algorithms, nor able to question their calculations.
#AISalami #AgenticShift #MedicareAdvantage #Medicare
#medicare #medicareadvantage #agenticshift #aisalami
Now, I don't have to try reading, again, _Cartesian Linguistics_ or other writings on #Mind and #Language by #NoamChomsky.
> .. In the absence of a capacity to reason from moral principles, #ChatGPT was crudely restricted by its programmers from contributing anything novel to controversial — that is, important — discussions. It sacrificed creativity for a kind of amorality..
#aisalami #chatgpt #noamchomsky #language #mind
> ... the AI[Salami] was doubling down on the lie by mentioning reputable media outlets in an attempt to make the story more believable...
#ChatGPT was outputting fake links to articles that have never existed - why?
#AlexanderHanff on dangers of relying on #AiSalami:
"Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences."
#aisalami #alexanderhanff #chatgpt
In 2012, Noam Chomsky mentioned a Lisp-language guy, #PatWinston. Winston said that, in the AI^1 field, people were directed away from "original questions." That sent me to #Chomsky's #PowersAndProspects(1996). _Prospects_ reminded me of Alex Carey's _Taking the Risk Out of Democracy_ and I now see #Mayo's #HawthorneStudies as 1927-1932 #PHacking. #GeorgeEltonMayo! in textbooks.
^1 AI, short for SALAMI: Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences #AISalami
#patwinston #aisalami #georgeeltonmayo #phacking #hawthornestudies #mayo #PowersAndProspects #chomsky
> .. heated debate.. in.. cognitive sciences, artificial intelligence, and philosophy of mind, but it is hard to see that any serious question has been posed.. the #TuringTest is reminiscent of the #Cartesian approach to.. minds. But the comparison is misleading..Jacques de #Vaucanson, the great artificer of the period, was concerned to understand the animate systems he was modelling.. in order to formulate and validate theories.. not to satisfy some performance criterion.
#aisalami #vaucanson #cartesian #turingtest
> Fooling people into mistaking a submarine for a whale doesn’t show that submarines.. swim; nor does it fail to establish the fact. There is.. no meaningful question to be answered, as all agree, in this case.
> .. whether a computer is playing chess.. or translating Chinese, is like the question of whether robots can murder.. These are questions of decision, not fact.. whether to adopt a certain metaphoric extension of common usage.
#NoamChomsky on #Computers #AISalami
#aisalami #computers #noamchomsky
> "Does this #SALAMI deserve #HumanRights?”^1
> ..the first and foremost AI bias is its name. It induces analogies that have limited adherence to reality.. generates infinite speculations.. Because of this misconception.. we should drop [the name #AI and].. adopt a more appropriate and scoped-limited terminology.. Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences.
^1 https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/ai-artificial-intelligence-chatbots-emily-m-bender.html
^2 https://blog.quintarelli.it/2019/11/lets-forget-the-term-ai-lets-call-them-systematic-approaches-to-learning-algorithms-and-machine-inferences-salami/
#StefanoQuintarelli #AiSalami
#SalamiAI #PropertyRights
#propertyrights #salamiai #aisalami #stefanoquintarelli #ai #humanrights #salami