I just asked chatgpt a question and it literally said "try searching online using Google". #aitakeover
#Humanoid #robots claim they could run the world better
Stephen Hawking warned us AI may end humans. Looking around at the world now… maybe it’s for the best?
Finally, someone makes sense! About time it was done and not just in the US. #AI #AIRise #AITakeover
Leave #AI alone and they should easily surpass us in whatever "better than us" can be defined as.
#ai #airise #aitakeover #dystopianow
Seriously I did not even know that it was #DaylightSavingsTime weekend until I went downstairs and noticed that the clocks on the microwave, oven and coffee maker were suddenly an hour behind. #AITakeover #WTF #EndDST
#daylightsavingstime #aitakeover #wtf #enddst
@ginnyhogan This is how the #AItakeover and #robots global domination will happen
@donaldball @ianbetteridge @cstross @pluralistic Executive corporate culture is similar to prison in that the population of both is about 20% on the psychopath spectrum. https://www.businessinsider.com/1-in-5-ceos-are-psychopaths-according-to-a-new-study-2016-9?op=1 This is the world that #AI is coming of age in, and will inherit or increasingly take over analysis and decision-making from humans - will it do worse? Self-driving cars will likely kill less people; will #AICEO be more #prosocial or #antisocial? #AItakeover
#aitakeover #antisocial #prosocial #aiceo #ai