A survey of articles on ChatGPT in education concludes that "the student voice was missing from almost all the articles" and recommends surveys and focus groups on how "students are engaging with ChatGPT and similar generative AI tools." From the Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching. https://journals.sfu.ca/jalt/index.php/jalt/article/view/731/559
#AIED #ChatGPTedu #AItextedu
As a teacher who tested GPT-4, I have become increasingly convinced of a few basic points. We can’t out-prompt it. And we can’t count on detecting it. The release of GPT-4 underscores the value of accepted best practices for encouraging intrinsic motivation. And yes, teaching methods like conferencing, building relationships, and assigning the writing process are more labor and time-intensive; they need institutional support.
#aied #chatgptedu #aitextedu #chatgpt
Sharing my Critical AI Literacy and Critical Assessment Canvas module, updated with John Oliver's show on AI.
For users of other LMSes, I've added a link to download the .lmscc file, which you can import into Moodle, D2L Brightspace, Blackboard, etc. https://ccconlineed.instructure.com/courses/7707/modules#module_60328 #AIED #ChatGPTedu #AItextedu #AIethics
#aied #chatgptedu #aitextedu #aiethics
ChatGPT does not have accurate information on whether ChatGPT wrote something! Recently heard a teacher discussing how she "caught" a student by pasting their work into ChatGPT and asking "did you write this?" It spit out "yes," and she believed it. #AcademicIntegrity #ChatGPTedu #AIED #AItextedu
#academicintegrity #chatgptedu #aied #aitextedu
"The problem with AI isn't that it's smart, but that it is dumb in ways we can't predict." Good line from an excellent John Oliver episode (
@mmitchell_ai advised). This goes to the top of my list of videos for introducing students to AI.
#chatgptedu #ai #aiethics #aitextedu #aied
RT @EnglishOER
We need more amplification of student voices on how we should handle AI text generators in higher ed. Excited for this panel--thanks @chrissinerantzi #ChatGPTedu #AIED #AItextedu https://twitter.com/SteTaylorGFA/status/1625811365934891009
Love this! Assigning collaborative annotation can help students engage with texts and the writing process and help prevent ChatGPT misuse. We can also invite students to critically annotate ChatGPT outputs.
#ChatGPTedu #AItextedu #AIED #socialannotation #collaborativeannotation
#chatgptedu #aitextedu #aied #SocialAnnotation #collaborativeannotation
Time for a wave of #OER course materials about #AI! Educators, please consider sharing your learning activities with CC licenses so we can adapt and update collaboratively! Elle Dimopoulos and I explored a few examples in an
ASCCC OERI webinar on Friday --slides at
https://bit.ly/OERaboutAI and recording at https://bit.ly/AIOERrecording
Do you know of other open-licensed materials on AI, ChatGPT, or language models we missed?
#oer #ai #opened #chatgptedu #aitextedu #aied
RT @EnglishOER
So now students can fairly reliably autogenerate academic prose that incorporates and links to real sources. Of course, Bing/#ChatGPT may make mistakes in how it summarizes or incorporates them. It's still a statistical model crunching text. #ChatGPTedu #AItextedu #highered #AIED https://twitter.com/emollick/status/1625701942574960646
#chatgptedu #aitextedu #highered #aied
Let's be gentle with ourselves as we try to sort out what to do about or with #ChatGPT in education. Thanks to
Dayamudra Dennehy @daya
for hosting a great conversation today on "Writing as a Process: Reflecting on ChatGPT for Educators." Recording:
#ChatGPTedu #AIED #AItextedu
#chatgpt #chatgptedu #aied #aitextedu
RT @EnglishOER
What article or video would you use to introduce students to the workings of ChatGPT or language models generally? I love @JanelleCShane's NYT piece "Let Our Algorithm Choose Your Halloween Costume," but want something recent. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/26/opinion/halloween-spooky-costumes-machine-learning-generator.html #ChatGPTedu #AItextedu #AIED
Join me and @mahabali
of Equity Unbound for a workshop:
"Critically Incorporating AI into Teaching: Developing AI Literacy"
Feb 7th at 7pm Cairo (5pm GMT, 12pm ET, 9am PT)
More info and registration: https://blog.mahabali.me/educational-technology-2/upcoming-equity-unbound-session-critically-incorporating-ai-into-teaching-developing-ai-literacy/
#chatgpt #chatgptedu #aitextedu #highered