@mguhlin So ... I'm now thinking of making a concerted effort to post tons of random non sequiturs, un-related words from different languages, and other straight out chaotic balderdash. Hoping they vacuum it up for AI training post haste.
Anyone with me?
#aitrainingsets #google #randomness
RT of my sometime collaborator @CasonSchmit Excited that he and his co-authors have placed this piece in Science
Can Trolls control #AI Robots?
No, this isn't science fiction. It's the overly sensationalized summary of our new article in @ScienceMagazine with @DNAlawyer and @MegDoerr.
@tamuSPHresearch @TAMU_SPH
Leveraging IP for AI governance
#ai #aigovernance #aitrainingsets #trollsforgood #aiethics