"If you use a chatbot to create or revise text, know the caveats and risks. Ask yourself why you are using a tool that isn’t validated: you’d (hopefully) not do that in another part of your research process."
Our Research Integrity Manager @mattjhodgkinson considers the integrity and ethical hurdles faced when using 'AI' tools like ChatGPT.
#AIethics #AIwriting #AIwritingTools #ChatGPT #LLMs #ResearchIntegrity #PublicationEthics #ChatBots
#aiethics #aiwriting #aiwritingtools #chatgpt #LLMs #researchintegrity #PublicationEthics #chatbots
Veranstalte im Sommersemester höchstwahrscheinlich ein Seminar zu #KI-Schreiben #KI #Schreiben #ChatGPT. Natürlich wächst die Leseliste täglich. Was darf aber auf keinen Fall fehlen?
I will probably be teaching a seminar on #AIWritingTools #AI #WritingAI in summer. Any ideas for the syllabus?
#ki #schreiben #chatgpt #aiwritingtools #ai #writingai
I'm very stressed about the future of my #RomanceNovels if there are #AIWritingTools out there. I've heard they are nowhere near as good as human authors, but it is a little stressful since I am just #StartingOut.
#startingout #aiwritingtools #romancenovels