Ajenti 2.2.4 is published :
Fix empty smtp config load. See #1422.
Accept more http requests.
Allow XML bodies and responses.
Prevent cgi bug with binary content.
Support for http basic auth.
Upgrade cryptography and pyOpenSSL versions.
Ignore plugins with wrong yml syntax.
Avoid unwanted redirections.
[Services] Fix missing enabled attribute.
[Filesystem] Rename files.
[Network] Fix loading wrong config files in /etc/netplan.
Neu bei linuxmuster.net:
#Ajenti für die #WebUI kommt jetzt in Version 2.2.3:
Bugfixes und weitere Release-Infos siehe
#linuxmuster #Schulkonsole #Schulserver #Schulnetzwerk #OpenSource #Linux #Ubuntu
#ajenti #webui #linuxmuster #schulkonsole #schulserver #schulnetzwerk #opensource #linux #ubuntu
Ajenti 2.2.3 is published :
* Add TOTP code verification at login and TOTP management in user space
* Allow HEAD requests on GET targets
* Allow body for PATCH requests
* Fix encoding problems when locales are not available
* Fix dummy loop in ajenti-panel when using venv
* [Services] Catch systemctl openration errors. Fix #1407