In the past two or so years I’ve been slowly chipping away at consolidating the dry river network other people have mapped on #OpenStreetMap in the #Ajjer region / Tassili n Ajjer (within Algeria).
I think I started with 600 or 800 gaps where the lines of the dry rivers were not connected because they crossed stream pools.
It’s down to 81 gaps now! 🎉
(After this error type, there’s more to be done – but bit by bit it consolidates into connected catchments!) Salam- BONJOUR à toutes et à tous, merci de partager, transférer et diffuser, s’il vous plaît, sur vos réseaux, bien à vous #Fama, #Wagner, #Azaouad, #rwanda, #tutsi, #ahaggar, #aîr, #ajjer, #fezzan, #UnionTouareg, #Mali, #Sahel, #massacres, #crimesdeguerre, #terreur, #violations, #droitshumains, #enquêtesinternationales, #ONU, #UnitéAfricaine, #Touareg, #Sahara
#fama #wagner #azaouad #rwanda #tutsi #ahaggar #air #ajjer #fezzan #uniontouareg #mali #sahel #massacres #crimesdeguerre #terreur #violations #droitshumains #enquetesinternationales #onu #uniteafricaine #touareg #sahara