If you enjoyed #EverythingsGonnaBeOkay, I highly recommend #AKindofSpark. It's streaming for free on #BYUtv, and is everything my history-loving self would've adored as a kid (& love equally now as an adult). Thanks for the interview, Caitlin Hamilton, Georgia De Gidlow & Lola Blue! https://comicon.com/2023/04/21/talking-to-the-cast-of-a-kind-of-spark/
#BYUtv #akindofspark #EverythingsGonnaBeOkay
If you enjoyed #EverythingsGonnaBeOkay, I highly recommend #AKindofSpark. It's streaming for free on #BYUtv, and is everything my history-loving self would've adored as a kid (& love equally now as an adult). Thanks for the interview, Caitlin Hamilton,
Georgia De Gidlow & Lola Blue! https://comicon.com/2023/04/21/talking-to-the-cast-of-a-kind-of-spark/
#BYUtv #akindofspark #EverythingsGonnaBeOkay
RT @BooksandChokers@twitter.com
It all started with a SPARK!!
Trailer for #akindofspark, coming to UK viewers on the 31st of March on BBC IPlayer and BYUtv in April.
So glad to finally share this with you all
Coming to BBC IPlayer, @cbbc@twitter.com and BYUtv very soon!
Don't the cast look incredible? So proud of them
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BooksandChokers/status/1639251303720255489
[#aKindOfSpark #elleMcNicoll ]
[keedie and bonnie are so important ]
#akindofspark #ellemcnicoll #Autisticbookclub
[#aKindOfSpark #elleMcNicoll ]
[this was a short book, it had the potential to be an adults full read. but that is not what is. its short, comforting, it suffered from feeling repetitive as i read its cousin minutes before ]
[of the two i enjoyed its small town feeling, touching on subjects close to my heart. i would read a whole novel of the way an #autistic persons empathy and identity can mould itself to accept and be shaped by a new absorbing interest ]
#akindofspark #ellemcnicoll #autistic #Autisticbookclub
主角是一个患有自闭症的11岁小女孩Addie,作者用的词句好简单但写得很有带入感,我才读了几页就完全体会到她的心情。写到她姐姐Keedie回家Addie冲上去拥抱她,姐姐回应她说“Hello,my favorite person”😭😭