Brick mentioning an Assyrian King 2900 years ago.
#Ancientbrick turns out to be #2900yearold #DNAtimecapsule
The brick bears a #cuneiforminscription in the extinct #Semiticlanguage #Akkadian, stating it is 'The property of the #palace of #Ashurnasirpal, #KingofAssyria.'
The clay brick is currently housed at the #NationalMuseum #Denmark
Researchers obtained samples from the brick's inner core
#denmark #nationalmuseum #kingofassyria #ashurnasirpal #palace #akkadian #semiticlanguage #cuneiforminscription #dnatimecapsule #2900yearold #ancientbrick
Assuming #zechariaSitchin is right in the interpretation of the #Sumerian and #Akkadian texts, this would be the #gold pickup #spacecraft from the #annunaki, to collect what the slaves have been digging for the last 3600 years.
#nibiru #nemesis
5 MINUTES AGO: NASA Shuts Down Live Feed after something Massive shows up.
#zechariasitchin #sumerian #akkadian #gold #spacecraft #annunaki #nibiru #nemesis
Gig Review: UK Tech Fest 2023 – Sunday
To see some of your favourite people get to join such events is always a privilege. The last day of UKTF started off with the hum of people quietly recovering from the previous days with the warm and sleepy feeling of a casual Sunday…
So let me tell yo
#GigReviews #Akkadian #BornOfOsiris #Defences #FromHerAshes #InVisions #OceansAteAlaska #TechFest
#techfest #oceansatealaska #invisions #fromherashes #defences #BornOfOsiris #akkadian #GigReviews
Dead languages being kept alive... 4000years ago: #ancient #history #sumerian #Mesopotamia #BiteMe #akkadian
#ancient #sumerian #akkadian #history #biteme #mesopotamia
// #AI program #translates #Akkadian texts :
#timeline #newscientist #repost #akkadian #translates #ai
The amazing Undley Gold Bracteate (400 CE) from Britain which is has Druid symbols, Roman symbol, and an Alphabetic Akkadian text. The language of all these Elder Futhark Runes are Akkadian which indicates Druids were indeed specialized Akkadian speaking priests that did exist past the Roman era. (Culturally, Akkadian seems to be like late Medieval Latin at this time). Akkadian was the language of the Neolithic farmers who built Stonehenge. The text reads (in Akkadian it is also a tongue twister):
"Make-super, make-super, make-super the soaking. Make-super the activity-level. Fertility-fluids are not being activated."
This text is a plea for avoiding a drought by using magic. It is claiming not enough rain is being made because the fertility-fluids needed to trigger it is not being pushed (activated) enough to get through the life network of Hu.
#archaeology #druid #pagan #magic #linguistics #Akkadian #jewelry #anglosaxon #roman
#archaeology #druid #Pagan #magic #linguistics #akkadian #jewelry #anglosaxon #roman
Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon - 4th Edition 2023 now online at:
This is the first lexicon edition compiled with the understanding that Akkadian was the native language of the Neolithic farmers who migrated to Europe from the Near East . This language survived on the margins of Europe after the Indo-European invasion where it is found on archaeological texts (Minoan Linear A, Aegean, Israel, Phoenicia, Etruria, Iberia)
Latest text translations within their historical and cultural context at:
#archaeology #linguistics #alphabet #Akkadian #neolithic #bronzeage
#archaeology #linguistics #Alphabet #akkadian #neolithic #bronzeage
#transgender #trans #transgenderinhistory
Perhaps a bit of historical encouragement - would you have thought this about Ancient Iraq? #Sumerian #Akkadian
Hymn to the #goddess #Inanna by the female author #enheduanna -
Inanna's "clergy were male, female, and transgender with the men and women frequently cross-dressing to embody Inanna's transformative powers."
See World History Encyclopedia
#transgender #trans #transgenderinhistory #Sumerian #akkadian #goddess #inanna #enheduanna
Episode 12 of our podcast is now available for download!
The Oldest Story Written: The Epic of Gilgamesh
#mesopotamia #akkadian #babylon #sumer #sumerian #gilgamesh #canaanite #enkidu #history #archaeology #ancient
#mesopotamia #akkadian #babylon #sumer #sumerian #gilgamesh #canaanite #enkidu #history #archaeology #ancient
Life network on wall at Catalhoyik dating between 7100 to 5700 BCE.
These early net illustrations at #Catalhoyuk and at Göbekli Tepe Pillar 43 are generally ignored by everyone because they are not understood. The alphabetic #Akkadian texts coming out of this European #Neolithic farmer culture are now being read and they often refer to a network which is used to distribute a fluid for triggering the manifestation of life forms on earth.
This was a time when deities were not yet perceived as human-like lords but were instead perceived as clusters of divine powers which could be personified if needed. All change on earth was due to some divine/spiritual power. This was a very magickal culture.
#catalhoyuk #akkadian #neolithic #archaeology #Pagan #magick #ancienthistory #network
So Called King Hezekiah sealing from Jerusalem Is not what has been claimed. The text is Akkadian and not Hebrew. Hezekiah is not mentioned (over claimed at the start because the letter "K" is destroyed). It reads right to left. Capital letters on sealing. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels)
1. Lu Ḫu Ḫa[Mu] Ya ESu Tu
2.ZaKu LaŠu Ya ERu
1. Lack of Hu is not paral[yzing] the magical filtrate
2. Purity is not influencing the gathering-place
Hebrew Attempt:
1. Belonging to Heze[k]iah son of
2. Ahaz king of Judah
Hebrew errors beyond some wrong letter assignments:
1. "son" in Hebrew is BN not SG
2. "Ahaz" is not just a Z
3. "king" in Hebrew is MLK not MLŠ
4. "Judah" is not YHR
Ancientisrael #Archaeology #Akkadian #Hebrew #linguistics #Pagan
#archaeology #akkadian #hebrew #linguistics #Pagan
The origin of Heraklez.
Most mythical heroes and demons had their origin as Alphabetic Akkadian phrases. Heraklez is the best known. This pot was made during the time of transition between Akkadian and Greek writing (-570 BCE). It has a label for Heraklez fighting the forces of drought caused by sick sun (later Gorgon). At this time Heraklez wore a lion skin to show he was in the service of the sun god Hu. Later, this would be draped over his arm. The shield bearing fighters represent blockages in the life network. A dying magic crafter (label 5) is shown on the ground with his cone-shaped “wizards cap.” Translation in image description.
Heraklez in Akkadian mean's "Hu's gatherer of emotion-owls when lacking lunar-energy." Owls having energy pushed the fertility fluids through the life network to trigger Yahu to manifest life on earth. When they failed to do this properly, Heraklez got rid of them.
#archaeology #mythology #pagan #Akkadian #magick #ancientgreek
#archaeology #mythology #Pagan #akkadian #magick #ancientgreek
Listen to The Epic of Gilgamesh Being Read in its Original Ancient Language, Akkadian #Language #Linguistics #Akkadian #Gilgamesh #Epics #Poetry #Mythology
#language #linguistics #akkadian #gilgamesh #epics #poetry #mythology
Fluted metal ritual bowls were exported out of Etruria to all culturally #Druid, #Akkadian writing lands. This bronze version with text was found in northern Israel and dates to 650 BCE. It reads:
"When Selu (Selene) is not bringing passions for revelations, activate the fertility-fluids with astrological-powers."
Selu is the Motion source goddess who represents the spark of animation (soul) which was the source of both emotion magic (passions) and glow of heavenly bodies. Her better known name is "Selene." An /n/ suffix means "powers of Selu" in Akkadian.
The "revelations" are the manifestations of invisible life forms which must be triggered by fertility fluids flowing through the life network, either by emotion magic or astrological powers.
Extensive trade links of religious artifacts shows the classically defined pre-Greek civilizations were not culturally isolated as has been assumed.
#druid #akkadian #archaeology #Pagan #goddess #ritual #magick
Improperly translated #Babylonian Sun Tablet (840 BCE during Elijah drought). This was found at Sippar and now resides at the British Museum. Their translation is completely wrong. While other museums are not posting these old and incorrect translations, the British Museum continues to push a Bible biased fake history.
The image labels describe a tug-of-war between the astrological powers above and the #magic crafters holding onto the table of the sun. The label shown when correctly translated reads:
"1. The confused spewing-forth (of fertility-fluids) is opening arousal. Support considerations (focused emotions) with magic-crafting.
2. Notice the eye-of-fate (middle sun) and the night's support."
So even when translated correctly those not having a magickal #Pagan education will not understand it because the ancient paradigm (framework of thought) is different from today's.
More at:
#archaeology #Mesopotamia #Akkadian #magic #magick #britishmuseum
#babylonian #magic #Pagan #archaeology #mesopotamia #akkadian #magick #britishmuseum
Origin of the dollar sign. This 1 shekel weight was found in Jerusalem and dates to between 700 and 600 BCE. This number 8 looking "S" letter sign is not Israelite but derives from the #Aegean Island and #Etruscan traditions. This letter seems to represent the #Akkadian word "sakalu" meaning "a hoard" and "to acquire." From that comes the #Biblical Hebrew word "shekel." It weights 11.38 grams.
This Alphabetic Akkadian letter is the source of the dollar sign ($) via the Spanish. When Spain underwent a coinage reform in 1497 CE, the dollar was introduced as Spain’s new unit of currency being valued at 8 reales. Its full name was "peso de ocho reales" or "weight of 8 reales" or just "pieces (pesos) of 8." This shekel/dollar weighed 27 grams. This was the main coin of the British colonies which later became the United States.
#archaeology #finance #history #ancienthistory #etymology #linguistics
#Aegean #Etruscan #akkadian #biblical #archaeology #finance #history #ancienthistory #etymology #linguistics
A Lost Language Translated From Ancient Tablets Reveals Names of Gods in Stunning Find
#assyriology #akkadian #amorite #manfredkrebernik #andrewrgeorge
31 English words derive from Akkadian. No one ever imagined Akkadian could be a possible source of English words because not only do source words need to be similar in sound and meaning but they also must have a causal connection in time and space. English Akkadian words come both Etruscan via Latin and from Old Norse/Germanic via Younger Futhark Runic Texts Some Nordic examples:
Heal: Akkadian ḫelû meaning Holistic (whole or hot) healing via Old Norse heila and Old Frisian hela. This is healing via light and heat. It is also an epithet for the sun god Hu which became “Helios” in Greek
Man: Akkadian mȃnu meaning "supporter" via from Old English man, Proto-Germanic *mann and Old Frisian mon. This word is incorrectly sourced from proto-Indo-European but that word has an MZ root as evidenced from Old Church Slavonic mozi and Russian muzh.
More at:
#etymology #linguistics #English #akkadian #nordic
This is pretty cool 😎
#Amorite #language #precursor to Hebrew
#Akkadian #translation
#ancientTablets #ancientLanguages #extinctLanguage #lostLanguage
#amorite #language #precursor #akkadian #translation #ancienttablets #ancientlanguages #extinctlanguage #lostlanguage
AI is being used to make readable translations of the most ancient writings in the world. “It's a tool that didn't exist before, a huge database of fragments. We believe it can play a vital role in reconstructing Babylonian literature, allowing us to make much faster progress.” #AI #Cuneiform #Sumerian #Babylonian #Akkadian #classics #algorithm
#ai #cuneiform #sumerian #babylonian #akkadian #classics #algorithm