#Turchia #Russia
Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan (#AKP|Destra): "Il passo fatto per la prima unità della centrale nucleare di #Akkuyu è molto buono. Gli sviluppi proseguono bene ed è importante perché dà lavoro a circa 25 mila persone. Inoltre, dobbiamo fare un passo avanti per quanto riguarda la centrale nucleare di #Sinop. Naturalmente, il fatto che ci sarà uno snodo in Tracia è un altro elemento di ricchezza e vitalità."
#turchia #russia #erdogan #akp #akkuyu #sinop
In unserem Länderdossier zur #Kernenergie befassen wir uns diese Woche mit den Entwicklungen in der #Türkei. Am Standort #Akkuyu ist aktuell das erste #AKW des Landes in Bau.
Weitere Infos - unter anderem auch zu #SMR-Plänen - gibt es hier: https://www.grs.de/de/kernenergie-der-tuerkei-stand-27042023
#Kernenergie #turkei #akkuyu #akw #SMR
What could go wrong?
"Turkey quake revives debate over nuclear plant being built.
A devastating earthquake that toppled buildings across parts of Turkey and neighboring Syria has revived a longstanding debate locally and in neighboring Cyprus about a large nuclear power station being built on Turkey’s southern Mediterranean coastline
The plant’s site in Akkuyu, located some 210 miles (338 kilometers) to the west of the epicenter of the Feb. 6 quake, is being designed to endure powerful tremors and did not sustain any damage or experience powerful ground shaking from the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks.”
#Turkey #nuclear #NuclearPower #Akkuyu #earthquake @sts @nuclearhumanities
#turkey #nuclear #nuclearpower #akkuyu #earthquake
- In #China 🇨🇳, two additional reactors - note that the Chinese nuclear fleet will then count as many units as the French one - 56
- In #Turkey 🇹🇷, a first unit of 1200 MW #Akkuyu
- In the #UAE 🇦🇪, a 4th reactor of 1400 MW for the #Barakah plant
#china #turkey #akkuyu #uae #barakah
- En #Chine 🇨🇳, deux réacteurs supplémentaires - à noter que le parc nucléaire chinois égalera alors les 56 unités du parc français
- En #Turquie 🇹🇷, une première unité de 1200 MW #Akkuyu
- Aux #EmiratsArabesUnis 🇦🇪, un 4ème réacteur de 1400 MW pour la centrale de #Barakah
#chine #turquie #akkuyu #emiratsarabesunis #barakah