Absolutely fair I reckon. Why should people have to pay rates on an uninhabitable home, caused largely by Council's negligence?
#akldisasterzone #akl #cycloneGabrielle #NZPol
#akldisasterzone #akl #cyclonegabrielle #nzpol
@BigD yes, a clear case for reform of the planning system.
#chc isn't accountable to its own council, playing in #codc #CentralOtago council's space in order to compete with #akl Auckland's airport in #queenstown #qldc
Completely nuts
#chc #codc #centralotago #akl #Queenstown #qldc
A disaster expert's experience of a disastrous Friday night in Auckland -- Nick Rogers
RT @A_G_Hawkins@twitter.com
Today’s victory: the old Snapper card in my wallet still has credit somehow?
Return trip from Wellington Airport - City: $9
Return trip from Dunedin Airport - City: $54
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/A_G_Hawkins/status/1588320285790728195
Who else is coming to D.A.N.C.E. with me in the morning to #StefaanVanLeuven at #MorningPeople #AKL? I’d be in bed getting my dancing sleep already but I had to catch a flight up from #CHC 😜
#morningpeople #akl #chc #soulwax #StefaanVanLeuven
„Bildet Banden, macht sie platt“
In Mecklenburg wurde Barbara Borchardt (Die Linke) wurde in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern als Richterin in das Landesverfassungsgericht gewählt. Sie ist nicht nur Mitglied und Mitbegründerin der Arbeitsgruppe „Antikapitalistische Linke“ (AKL), die einen Systemwechsel anstrebt, sondern, wenig überraschend, zeigt sie auch offen ihre Sympathien für die links
#akl #antifa #BarbaraBorchardt