It's so damn humid tonight and with the state of the mozzies I dare not crack a window, I've already been eaten alive #aklweather
There's rain now of a significant weight. Wind has died down a bit. #CycloneGabrielle #AKLWeather
It's a miracle we still have electricity on. I don't think I've seen an outage map like this one before. #CycloneGabrielle #aklweather
Still very gusty here, after a fairly calm period. Not much rain to speak of, though. We will see what tonight and tomorrow holds. #CycloneGabrielle #AKLWeather
Camp stove breakfast it is.
Why yes, that is a lake in our back yard.
#aklweather #akldisasterzone #flood
Well, we didn't lose power entirely, but we do appear to be in a brownout after a large breaker went bang somewhere #aklweather #CoolAndNormal #ClimateCrisis
#aklweather #CoolAndNormal #ClimateCrisis