Book Review:
#anarchist #politicalfantasy
Finished Margaret Killjoy's "A Country of Ghosts" published by the #AKpress Black Dawn Imprint. It read as any fantasy with a focus on character development and world building. I appreciated the imagined #anarchistgovernance model and how characters made decisions and organized roles without relying on titles or professions. It was #antinationalist and focused on collectives of hyper local communities. Also it was so gay 🌈
#anarchist #politicalfantasy #akpress #anarchistgovernance #antinationalist #antiprofession
Pre-order available for the new issue of World War 3 Illustrated "My Body Our Rights". #AKPress #comics #activism #feminism #abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare #feministart #politicalart #anarchism #antifa
#akpress #comics #activism #feminism #abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare #feministart #politicalart #anarchism #antifa
I finished #reading *Grievers* by adrienne maree brown from #AKPress. It's the kind of book that leaves you full of thought and goes around your head for a while.
Before anything else: Big #recommendation go read it!
As a (on the surface) pandemic story released in 2021, it's impossible to read without thinking back to the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, but this is really not a book about Covid.
For one, the disease is very different: Until the end of the book, it is not clear what causes it nor how it's spread, and there is very little effort from the authorities to study it. The novella is the portrait of a city breaking apart under the strain of this unknown affliction. (1/2 --> more in next post!)
@bookstodon #bookstodon #BookReview #reading #ChaosBooks
#reading #akpress #recommendation #bookstodon #bookreview #chaosbooks
#NoPasaran editor @Shane_Burley joins @joeyayoub to talk about (anti-)fascism today in a world in crisis.
On all #podcast apps.
#nopasaran #podcast #fascism #antifascism #akpress
My bookshelf is at that point where I'm building up two rows on one shelf. Meanwhile, I'm making my way through the book PLEASURE ACTIVISM. #AKPress #adriennemareebrown
Very pleased to see adrienne maree brown's Maroons by #AKPress at my favourite local bookstore yesterday, on a shelf with lots of interesting titles!
I didn't pick it up because I have a pre-order. I'm now hopeful that will arrive soon, too. 😊
#books #reading #bookstodon #scifi @bookstodon
#akpress #books #reading #bookstodon #scifi
Some timely ebooks currently available for free from #AKPress
via: (I added the image)
Some timely ebooks currently available free from #AKPress
Also pre-ordered the next instalment in the #BlackDawn series by #AKPress, *Maroons* by adrienne maree brown. Very excited for more instalments in that series!
#books #scifi #reading #ChaosBooks
#blackdawn #akpress #books #scifi #reading #chaosbooks
My order from the #AKPress January sale arrived! :anarchoheart3: 🥳
#books #anarchism #reading #bookstodon
#akpress #books #anarchism #reading #bookstodon
Good news: @akpressdistro have started dropping some books in audio book format 🔥🎉
Fun times playing this amazing board game called Bloc by Bloc - the Uprising! To all fellow nerds out there, make sure you get this game or come play it out with us.... first few times it might feel a too bit rules-heavy , but gets so much better the more you play it...! The theme is so cool and relevant... you can feel the tension building up as the game progresses and will keep you on your toes till the very end...
"What started as a small protest against the regime has spiralled into something much bigger. The police crackdown backfired and thousands of people from all walks of life have taken over the streets in solidarity. The city is engulfed in a vibrant popular rebellion, bringing everyday life to a standstill...
In Bloc by Bloc: Uprising, each player controls a faction of revolutionaries - workers, students, neighbours or prisoners - fighting against the police in the streets of a city that changes with each barricades, clash with police, occupy districts, loot shopping centres, build mutual aid networks and liberate the city before time runs out and the military arrives...."
Get it from AK Press
If anyone is looking for a good independent press to support, this one is run by a workers collective since the 90s and is awesome for everything on anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, anti-racist liberation, which includes books on organizing, science fiction, and self-care. #akpress #abolition #liberation #antiracism #decolonize #organizing #selfcare
#akpress #abolition #liberation #antiracism #decolonize #organizing #selfcare
If anyone is looking for a good independent press to support, this one is run by a workers collective since the 90s and is awesome for everything on anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, anti-racist liberation, which includes books on organizing, science fiction, and self-care. #akpress #abolition #liberation #antiracism #decolonize #organizing #selfcare
#akpress #abolition #liberation #antiracism #decolonize #organizing #selfcare
I highly recommend the collection #CaptiveGenders on #AKPress, edited by Eric A. Stanley and Nat Smith if you want to learn more about #trans embodiment and the #PrisonIndustrialComplex for #TransgenderAwarenessWeek. It’s been an eye-opening read.
#CaptiveGenders #akpress #trans #prisonindustrialcomplex #transgenderawarenessweek
Laursen, Eric. 'Getting the Word Out By Any Means Necessary: The First Twenty-Five Years of AK Press'. AK Press, 2015.
Scored this for free from Ana at Book Haven/The Freedom Shop in Newtown, Wellington. Thanks, homie!
I loved this essay/booklet, been looking for it for a while now. Serendipitous to find it at my fave anarchist infoshop. It's an inspiring read, a snapshot of the way AK Press was founded and evolved over 25 yrs, from the UK to the US, the major shifts in its publishing trajectory and the problems they've had to maneuver.
Anyone who has had even a tangential involvement with The Beautiful Idea will know AK and their work. The bulk of my anarchist library is work they've published. And in November, my first piece of writing in print is coming out in an anthology published by AK.
I loved reading this celebration of AK Press, a short and welcome diversion from work in the garden yesterday. My mind wandered frequently, inspired by the events mentioned by Laursen. Big ups to AK Press!
#anarchism #anarchist #anarchistreadinglist #AKPress #revolutionbythebook #EricLaursen #BookHaven #TheFreedomShop #anarchistbooks #anarchistpublishing
#anarchism #Anarchist #anarchistreadinglist #akpress #revolutionbythebook #EricLaursen #BookHaven #TheFreedomShop #anarchistbooks #anarchistpublishing
Really loving this book so far. It is a great mix of articles by parents, non-parents, and kids, including a bunch of interviews with teens. topics range from schooling to responsibilities to gender.
Image two is a quote from an article by a seventeen year old.
#trustkids #akpress #parenting
#parenting #akpress #trustkids
AK Press is doing it different. Their e-books are now $1.99 (€1.80, £1.60). All their e-books!
#AKPress #books #ebooks #socialism #anarchism #activism #radical #SelfIsolation #Quarantine
#quarantine #selfisolation #radical #Activism #Anarchism #Socialism #ebooks #books #akpress