Walking the Block (feat. Drea d'Nur) by Akua Naru for #JukeboxFridayNight's theme #TruthTellers ...
Watch the live performance of it on youtube via invidious here:
It's from her live album "Live & Aflame Sessions", you can find it on bandcamp here:
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers #music #hiphop #akuanaru
I posted her song Tales of (Wo)men before on my old mastodon account, here is another song from Akua Naru, Walking the Block
It's from her live album "Live & Aflame Sessions", one of my first bandcamp buys 10 years ago...
Akua Naru - Tales of (Wo)Men ... already 10 years old, had to buy the "Live & Aflame Sessions" album right away after listening to some songs from the session