Many other thinkers would agree with Tesla. Even if there is a technological equivalent of 'ars grata artis', the current race to the bottom means at least that technical innovation needs democratic control.
#Alaa recognises the value of Luddites.
You can be a Luddite geek.
I’ve said that I’m here mostly to read and listen. One of the things I liked about “the other place” is that over the years I followed many people who did not have official status. I sought out minority voices, and people from all corners of the globe. I learned how to do this during the Arab spring, and heard firsthand from leaders like #Alaa who yet suffers in an Egyptian prison. I hope my experience here can be as rich. Here’s my wish that minority voices can flourish in this space.
In 2008, I was running the Hub, the “world’s first #humanrights video site”, and I had the great fortune to meet and speak with both Wael Abbas and #Alaa Abd El-Fattah, whose work exposing police brutality in #Egypt had caused absolute shockwaves. #FreeAlaa
Here’s a brief extract on Wael’s YT channel, with Alaa closing it out from 4 mins (I’ll see if I can find the original files with the whole interview w Wael and Alaa):
#humanrights #alaa #egypt #freealaa
Laudable to use the Twitter crisis to highlight the plight of #Alaa, but the topic of public square now merits a mention also of the #fediverse.
#Alaa isn't the only one in jail. He's just one of the many others but his family has found a way to campaign for him. Yet even with the massive movement around his cause, he's still in jeopardy, imagine the others.
"We kunnen niet voorbijgaan aan de aanhoudende en diepgewortelde mensenrechtencrisis, die nauw verbonden is met de sociaal-politieke, economische en ecologische context van de COP-gastheer." #COP27 is een afkorting van de 27ste #klimaatconferentie, die op dit moment plaatsvindt in Sharm el-Sheikh. "Als #Alaa niet wordt vrijgelaten, zal hij sterven voor het einde van COP27", zegt de groepering in een verklaring. #Egypte 3)
#cop27 #klimaatconferentie #alaa #egypte
Op de wereldwijde #klimaatconferentie in Sharm-el-Sheikh is steeds meer aandacht voor de Brits-Egyptische activist #Alaa Abd el-Fattah. De 40-jarige activist is al langere tijd in hongerstaking, en drinkt sinds het begin van de top ook geen water meer. Voor zijn leven wordt gevreesd, vertelde zijn zus tijdens een bijeenkomst op de #klimaattop 1) #nos
#klimaatconferentie #alaa #klimaattop #nos
At's press conference
Egyptian MP Amr Darwish demonstrates how resistant the authorities are to recognising #Alaa as a political prisoner and British citizen and what the family is facing when attempting to #FreeAlaa 12 mins in
We’re all thinking of the future of Twitter rn. For me, the most transformative experience on here was the period of the Arab Spring in which #Alaa played such a heroic part. It’s time to set him free and Twitter should put his name into the mouths of all leaders at #COP27
Egitto – Aggredita la famiglia del prigioniero Alaa mentre protestava fuori dal carcere #dall'Egitto #dittatura #violenza #Carcere #Egitto #regime #Alaa
#dall #dittatura #violenza #carcere #egitto #regime #alaa
Egitto – Sciopero della fame del prigioniero Alaa e aggiornamenti sulla situazione repressiva #scioperodellafame #dall'Egitto #coronavirus #repressione #Carcere #Egitto #Alaa
#scioperodellafame #dall #Coronavirus #repressione #carcere #egitto #alaa
Egitto – Comunicato stampa della famiglia di Alaa Abd El Fattah #AlaaAbdelFattah #dall'Egitto #repressione ##freeAlaa #Carcere #tortura #Egitto #Alaa
#alaaabdelfattah #dall #repressione #freealaa #carcere #tortura #egitto #alaa
Egitto – Alaa sotto minaccia! #sorveglianza #dall'Egitto #repressione #Carcere #minacce #6April #Egitto #Alaa
#sorveglianza #dall #repressione #carcere #minacce #6april #egitto #alaa