Good News Fridays: Alabama Schoolchildren Learning To Eat Better Through Gardening
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#GoodNewsStuff #AlabamaCooperativeExtensionSystem #AlabamaNewsCenter #AlabamaPower #AlabamaSchoolchildrenLearningToEatBetterThroughGardening #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #YouTube
#goodnewsstuff #alabamacooperativeextensionsystem #alabamanewscenter #alabamapower #alabamaschoolchildrenlearningtoeatbetterthroughgardening #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #youtube
Good News Fridays: Alabama Native, Louie The Lightning Bug, Turns 40
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall
#GoodNewsStuff #AlabamaNewsCenter #AlabamaPower #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #LouieTheLightningBug #LouieTheLightningBugTurns40 #YouTube
#goodnewsstuff #alabamanewscenter #alabamapower #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #louiethelightningbug #louiethelightningbugturns40 #youtube
Good News Fridays: Innovative Alabama Extension System Program Inspires Barbour County Students To Make Healthier Choices
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#GoodNewsStuff #AlabamaCooperativeExtensionSystem #AlabamaNewsCenter #AlabamaPower #AuburnUniversitySNAP-Ed #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #LiveWellAlabama
#goodnewsstuff #alabamacooperativeextensionsystem #alabamanewscenter #alabamapower #auburnuniversitysnap #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #livewellalabama
Good News Fridays: Birmingham Native Alexis Vance Excels As Autism Advocate, Scholar, Model
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, po
#GoodNewsStuff #AlabamaNewsCenter #AlabamaPower #AlexisVance #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #TheBirminghamTimes
#goodnewsstuff #alabamanewscenter #alabamapower #alexisvance #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #thebirminghamtimes
Good News Fridays: An Alabama Blast From The Past: Original Jack’s Burger Jingle Featured In New Ad Campaign
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek
#GoodNewsStuff #AlabamaNewsCenter #AlabamaPower #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #Jack'sFamilyRestaurants #Jack'sRestaurants #Jack’sBurgerJingle
#goodnewsstuff #alabamanewscenter #alabamapower #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #jack
Despite contiued bad behavior among monopoly utilities, this is shocking - in secret #FPL and #AlabamaPower spent heavily on anti-climate "journalism". Thanks, @floodlightnews and @emorwee
In the Southeast, power company money flows to news sites that attack their critics
#Matrix #Alabama #AlabamaPower #Florida #FloridaPowerAndLight #FPL #CleanEnergy
#matrix #alabama #alabamapower #florida #floridapowerandlight #fpl #cleanenergy
Power company money flows to news sites that attack their critics
"Six news outlets across Alabama and Florida with financial connections to the consulting firm Matrix LLC, a joint investigation by Floodlight and NPR finds. The firm, based in Montgomery, Alabama, has boasted clients including Alabama Power and another major U.S. utility, Florida Power & Light."
#alabama #alabamapower #Corruption
Good News Fridays: UAB Named One Of 16 Diversity Champions, Again Receives Excellence In Diversity Award
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#GoodNewsStuff #AlabamaNewsCenter #AlabamaPower #CoolStuff #DiversityChampions #ExcellenceInDiversityAward #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #UniversityofAlabamaatBirmingham
#goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #universityofalabamaatbirmingham #goodnewsstuff #alabamanewscenter #alabamapower #coolstuff #diversitychampions #excellenceindiversityaward #goodnews
Alabama Power, Mercedes Benz get green light on 80-MW solar project
Alabama Power and Mercedes Benz U.S. International (MBUSI) received ap...
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#commercial #news #markets #alabamapower