Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Alabama Song”. Released this week in 1979. #bowie #davidbowie #alabamasong #spaceoddity #lodger #scarymonsters #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
#bowie #davidbowie #alabamasong #SpaceOddity #lodger #scarymonsters #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #BowieForever
I'm watching #TheDoors version of #AlabamaSong for the first time. What is the appeal of this weird song that sounds like it was written for an awkward 30s musical. When I heard it on a #DavidBowie 45 as a kid, I thought, "well there's a genre I'm not ever getting into".
#thedoors #alabamasong #davidbowie