Quien siempre expresó su admiración por Alain Johanness (hoy de cumpleaños) fue otro grande como Mark Lanegan . Ambos compartieron proyectos, escenario y discografías juntos. Y sin duda han sido almas gemelas musicales como diría el propio Lanegan
No question, Alain Johannes' "Hum" is going to be the album I associate most with 2020... and late summer of 2020, specifically; I'm listening now and there are snow flurries outside and I am feeling mighty wistful. pandemic summer was shitty, but escalating pandemic winter is going to be even shittier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF0MSlUcVOU #nowplaying #alainjohannes #np #tootradio
#tootradio #np #alainjohannes #nowplaying
I'm not sure I've listened to Euphoria Mourning since Chris Cornell passed. Between him and Natasha Shneider, this album has taken on a whole new resonance 😔
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fBKibkjGJE #chriscornell #natashashneider #alainjohannes #nowplaying #tootradio #np #1990s
#1990s #np #tootradio #nowplaying #alainjohannes #natashashneider #chriscornell
God I am just fucking *wallowing* in this song today, first time that's happened in a long long while
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGoTklW3w20 #alainjohannes #eleven
I'll never understand why Eleven never got the recognition they deserved. I only discovered them because their eponymous album's cover caught my eye while flipping through the $3 discount bin circa 1993.
I flipped the jewel-case over and read the back, and saw that Jack Irons was the drummer, and I gave it a spin on the in-store CD player and it was fucken gooooood
It was such a delight later on to discover their cross pollination with some of my other favorite artists (Alain and Natasha were a big part of the sound of Chris Cornell's Euphoria Mourning, and they also featured prominently on Queens of the Stone Age's Lullabies to Paralyze)
RIP Natasha Shneider 😔
#nowplaying #np #tootradio #powertrio #eleven #alainjohannes #natashashneider #jackirons #desertrock
#desertrock #jackirons #natashashneider #alainjohannes #eleven #powertrio #tootradio #np #nowplaying
wow, yes. I haven't watched the video yet but it looks suitably epic for the music
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGoTklW3w20 #alainjohannes #nowplaying #np #tootradio
#tootradio #np #nowplaying #alainjohannes
Alain Johannes' latest is very good, which is no surprise. https://alainjohannes.bandcamp.com/releases
...and now I have to binge Eleven all afternoon. #eleven #alainjohannes