The 2023 Alameda Chamber and Economic Alliance presented the 2023 Business Excellence awards to honor "extraordinary contributions to our community." Publisher Adam Gillitt reports back from the event and shares that the Alameda Post was named Best Community Partner!
#alameda #EatJust #EatLocal #penumbra #firebrand #ShopLocal #AlamedaPost #saltbreaker #DasheCellars #CrunchFitness #PreachersDaughter #ReapClimateCenter #UrbanLegendWinery #AlamedaChamberFoundation
#alameda #eatjust #eatlocal #penumbra #firebrand #shoplocal #alamedapost #saltbreaker #dashecellars #crunchfitness #preachersdaughter #reapclimatecenter #urbanlegendwinery #alamedachamberfoundation
Adam Gillitt reports from the ceremony that took place Monday afternoon where Alameda Chamber Foundation Scholarships were awarded to fourteen graduating seniors on Monday, each in the amount of $1,500.
#alameda #exelixis #penumbra #scholarships #HighSchoolSeniors #AlamedaChamberFoundation #AlamedaChamberAndEconomicAlliance
#alameda #exelixis #penumbra #scholarships #highschoolseniors #alamedachamberfoundation #alamedachamberandeconomicalliance
#Alameda #Scholarships #HighSchoolSeniors #AlamedaChamberFoundation #AlamedaChamberAndEconomicAlliance
#alameda #scholarships #highschoolseniors #alamedachamberfoundation #alamedachamberandeconomicalliance
Students can apply now for a scholarship from the Alameda Chamber Foundation or a paid summer internship with the Port of Oakland.
#Alameda #Students #Scholarships #Opportunities #PortOfOakland #PaidInternships #HighSchoolSeniors #AlamedaChamberFoundation #AlamedaChamberAndEconomicAlliance
#alameda #students #scholarships #opportunities #portofoakland #paidinternships #highschoolseniors #alamedachamberfoundation #alamedachamberandeconomicalliance