Mouf watches a PG&E crew fix a gas leak, finds a cool chair, learns about Aston Martin cars, and has a question about traffic signals in this week's Bear's-Eye View of Alameda
#AlamedaFoodBank #AstonMartin #cactus #GasLeak #JamesBond #oddjob #PgE #tomatoes #TrafficSignals
#alamedafoodbank #AstonMartin #cactus #gasleak #jamesbond #oddjob #pge #tomatoes #trafficsignals
Alameda Food Bank's new Executive Director, Teale Harden, writes that she is ready to guide AFB into its next era and get to the bottom of hunger.
#alameda #AlamedaFoodBank #ausd #IslandCommunityMarket #TealeHarden
#alameda #alamedafoodbank #ausd #islandcommunitymarket #tealeharden
Alameda Food Bank Executive Director Cindy Houts is retiring August 3 after eight years of stellar service to our community. Houts’ tenure was the longest of any executive director in AFB’s 46-year history.
#alameda #CindyHouts #retirement #TealeHarden #AlamedaFoodBank #IslandCommunityMarket
#alameda #cindyhouts #retirement #tealeharden #alamedafoodbank #islandcommunitymarket
Grab the family, get some folding chairs, and head down to the the 45th annual Fourth of July Parade. We have everything you need to know before you go, including a link to download the official July 4th Parade program listing all entries.
#aci #amp #arpd #parade #alameda #exelius #july4th #AlamedaPost #BankOfMarin #KiwanisClub #UsCoastGuard #CityOfAlameda #AlamedaBicycle #AlamedaFoodBank #IndependenceDay #SpeedProImaging #FriendsOfTheParks #JimsHomestyleCooking
#aci #amp #arpd #Parade #alameda #exelius #july4th #alamedapost #bankofmarin #kiwanisclub #uscoastguard #cityofalameda #alamedabicycle #alamedafoodbank #independenceday #speedproimaging #friendsoftheparks #jimshomestylecooking
Immanuel Lutheran Church welcomes Reverend Crystal Larsen Stewart in a special service at 10 a.m. on July 2, with reception and coffee hour to follow. All are welcome to attend.
#alameda #DineAndConnect #AlamedaFoodBank #OperationDignity #ImmanuelLutheranChurch #AlamedaAllFaithsCoalition #BuildingFuturesWithWomenAndChildren
#alameda #dineandconnect #alamedafoodbank #operationdignity #immanuellutheranchurch #alamedaallfaithscoalition #buildingfutureswithwomenandchildren
Since 2018, Alameda Food Bank and Alameda All Faiths Coalition have teamed up to form Dine & Connect, providing hot meals and vital services to unhoused people in Alameda.
#alameda #VillageOfLove #DineAndConnect #AlamedaFoodBank #DignityOnWheels #UnhousedServices #AlamedaHealthSystem #TrinityLutheranChurch #ImmanuelLutheranChurch #FirstPresbyterianChurch #AlamedaAllFaithsCoalition #FirstCongregationalChurch #AlamedaCountyMobileHealthVan
#alameda #villageoflove #dineandconnect #alamedafoodbank #dignityonwheels #unhousedservices #alamedahealthsystem #trinitylutheranchurch #immanuellutheranchurch #firstpresbyterianchurch #alamedaallfaithscoalition #firstcongregationalchurch #alamedacountymobilehealthvan
Get to know Pyramus and Thisbe in both plays at the Foodbank Players' double feature this May all around the island. Gene Kahane celebrates the upcoming production with a poem.
#acting #alameda #theater #AlamedaFoodBank #TheFoodbankPlayers #AMidsummerNightSDream #TheMostLamentableComedyAndMostCruelDeathOfPyramusAndThisbe
#acting #alameda #theater #alamedafoodbank #thefoodbankplayers #amidsummernightsdream #themostlamentablecomedyandmostcrueldeathofpyramusandthisbe
Mayor Ashcraft reviews promising economic development, environmental efforts, new local businesses, and more in her State of the City address. Karin K. Jensen covers the encouraging event as we celebrate progress for Alameda.
#AFD #AMP #APD #ARPD #Alameda #USSHornet #Homelessness #VillageOfLove #DignityVillage #HousingElement #WarmingShelter #AlamedaFoodBank #AffordableHousing #DecarbonizationPlan #GuaranteedBasicIncome #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#afd #amp #apd #arpd #alameda #usshornet #homelessness #villageoflove #dignityvillage #housingelement #warmingshelter #alamedafoodbank #affordablehousing #decarbonizationplan #guaranteedbasicincome #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
"The best way to address homelessness is by preventing it in the first place," explains Alameda Food Bank Executive Director Cindy Houts.
#alameda #homelessness #alamedafoodbank