Leland Montgomery, a filmmaker and Encinal High School alumnus, answers five questions from Gene Kahane about film and his life in the arts.
#5Q4 #AIFF #Film #Acting #Alameda #Performance #FiveQuestions #EncinalHighSchool #AlamedaInternationalFilmFestival
#5q4 #aiff #film #acting #alameda #performance #fivequestions #encinalhighschool #alamedainternationalfilmfestival
The Alameda International Film Festival hosted almost one thousand enthusiastic attendees over the weekend. Adam Gillitt reports from the exciting event, which featured 45 feature and short films from around the globe. Catch a make-up showing of 'A Light Through Coloured Glass' on March 4.
#Alameda #SteveZahn #ColinBlake #MarkFarrell #AlamedaTheaterAndCineplex #AlamedaInternationalFilmFestival
#alameda #stevezahn #colinblake #markfarrell #alamedatheaterandcineplex #alamedainternationalfilmfestival
Alameda International Film Festival presents 45 films along with guest presentations, expert panels, and fantastic parties. Gene Kahane lets us know what we have to look forward to with this year's lineup, starting with 'The Other Fellow.'
#RADIUM #Alameda #AlamedaTheatre #AlamedaInternationalFilmFestival #ANCHORAlamedaAssociationForArtAndFilm
#radium #alameda #alamedatheatre #alamedainternationalfilmfestival #anchoralamedaassociationforartandfilm
In this week's adventures, Mouf enjoys all the pink flowers around town, learns what Bobcats do, takes a soaking with his flaps down, gets ready for the Alameda International Film Festival, and looks forward to his next "gotcha date."
#Pink #Rain #Blooms #Cement #Oscars #Flowers #Daffodil #TomBrady #FlapsDown #Sundogday #GotchaDate #Bearseyeview #AcademyAwards #AlamedaTheater #AlamedaInternationalFilmFestival
#pink #rain #blooms #cement #oscars #flowers #daffodil #TomBrady #flapsdown #sundogday #gotchadate #bearseyeview #academyawards #alamedatheater #alamedainternationalfilmfestival