At the June 7 Kiwanis Club of Alameda meeting, seven stellar graduates were awarded exceptionally competitive scholarships based on academics, leadership, financial need, community service, and extracurricular activities.
#alameda #college #graduates #KiwanisClub #scholarships #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation
#alameda #college #graduates #kiwanisclub #scholarships #alamedakiwanisfoundation
The Kiwanis Club celebrates seven extraordinary Alameda eighth graders who received the 2023 Hope of America award for leadership.
#alameda #KiwanisClub #HopeOfAmericaAward #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#alameda #kiwanisclub #hopeofamericaaward #alamedakiwanisfoundation #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
The Alameda Islanders bring home the gold—and the silver! The Islanders claimed 13 gold medals and 4 silver medals at the Special Olympics Northern California Swimming Regional on May 13.
#alameda #KiwanisClub #SpecialOlympics #AlamedaIslanders #AlamedaFireDepartment #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation #SpecialOlympicsNorthernCalifornia #SpecialOlympicsNorthernCaliforniaSwimmingRegional
#alameda #kiwanisclub #specialolympics #alamedaislanders #alamedafiredepartment #alamedakiwanisfoundation #specialolympicsnortherncalifornia #specialolympicsnortherncaliforniaswimmingregional
To celebrate 100 years of service in Alameda, the Kiwanis Foundation is awarding $100,000 to graduating seniors at Alameda high schools. Seven distinct scholarships are available, and students may use a single application to apply for all of the scholarships at once.
#alameda #college #tuition #HighSchool #KiwanisClub #scholarships #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation
#alameda #college #tuition #highschool #kiwanisclub #scholarships #alamedakiwanisfoundation