Do you know where Alameda's Whale Park is? Mayor Ashcraft shares great Alameda locations for locals and visitors alike. Plus, stay informed on West Nile virus in Alameda and remember to dial "988" for the mental health crisis line.
#988 #alameda #AlamedaCountyMosquitoAbatementDistrict #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft #firebrand #JeanSweeneyOpenSpace #mosquitoes #SeaplaneLagoonPromenade #WhalePark
#alameda #alamedacountymosquitoabatementdistrict #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft #firebrand #jeansweeneyopenspace #mosquitoes #seaplanelagoonpromenade #whalepark
Mayor Ashcraft talks electric vehicles, including a new network of public EV charging stations coming to Alameda by 2025. Plus, keep these tips in mind to minimize your likelihood of becoming the victim of an auto-related crime.
#alameda #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft #amp #apd #AutoTheft #CatalyticConverters #ElectricVehicleCharging #ElectricVehicles #ev #EvCharging #VehicleTheft
#alameda #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft #amp #apd #autotheft #catalyticconverters #electricvehiclecharging #electricvehicles #ev #evcharging #vehicletheft
Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft answers the question "How is Alameda addressing homelessness in our city?" with updates on Alameda's resources and a recently released study of homelessness in California.
#alameda #housing #homelessness #DignityVillage #WarmingShelter #AffordableHousing #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#alameda #housing #homelessness #dignityvillage #warmingshelter #affordablehousing #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
Awards for July 4th Parade entries in eight categories and the Mayor's Trophy were given out at Jean Sweeney Open Space on Thursday. Whisk Cake Creations took top honors, winning best Business entry and the Mayor's Trophy.
#arpd #awards #parade #alameda #july4th #PatrickRussi #JeanSweeneyOpen #WhiskCakeCreations #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#arpd #awards #Parade #alameda #july4th #patrickrussi #jeansweeneyopen #whiskcakecreations #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
Senti Bio, a cutting-edge biomedical company, has opened a new facility on Bay Farm Island. Adam Gillitt reports back from the ribbon-cutting event that the company plans to manufacture an innovative acute myeloid leukemia treatment called "Senti-202" on the site.
#alameda #business #SentiBio #BayFarmIsland #biotechnology #manufacturing #MedicalTechnology #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#alameda #business #sentibio #bayfarmisland #biotechnology #manufacturing #medicaltechnology #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
Mayor Ashcraft shares remarks from her address at the recent Memorial Day commemoration and encourages Alamedans to visit the 'Overflowing With Hope' exhibit at the Main Library about Alameda's Japanese community and their forced internment during World War II. Photo Maurice Ramirez.
#alameda #holiday #japantown #MemorialDay #AlamedaPoint #CorsairFlats #AlamedaFreeLibrary #OverflowingWithHope #VeteransMemorialPark #AlamedaNavalAirStation #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#alameda #holiday #japantown #memorialday #alamedapoint #corsairflats #alamedafreelibrary #overflowingwithhope #veteransmemorialpark #alamedanavalairstation #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
The Kiwanis Club celebrates seven extraordinary Alameda eighth graders who received the 2023 Hope of America award for leadership.
#alameda #KiwanisClub #HopeOfAmericaAward #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#alameda #kiwanisclub #hopeofamericaaward #alamedakiwanisfoundation #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft celebrates Spring, challenges the city to help fight climate change, and offers driving safety tips.
#amp #apd #alameda #housing #transit #ClimateChange #StopFoodWaste #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#amp #apd #alameda #housing #transit #climatechange #stopfoodwaste #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
Well-wishers, volunteers, and civic leaders gathered for the grand reopening of the newly renovated FAAS facility on April 8.
#faas #alameda #JohnLipp #StateFarm #SeeSpotRun #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#faas #alameda #johnlipp #statefarm #seespotrun #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
Mayor Ashcraft reviews promising economic development, environmental efforts, new local businesses, and more in her State of the City address. Karin K. Jensen covers the encouraging event as we celebrate progress for Alameda.
#AFD #AMP #APD #ARPD #Alameda #USSHornet #Homelessness #VillageOfLove #DignityVillage #HousingElement #WarmingShelter #AlamedaFoodBank #AffordableHousing #DecarbonizationPlan #GuaranteedBasicIncome #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#afd #amp #apd #arpd #alameda #usshornet #homelessness #villageoflove #dignityvillage #housingelement #warmingshelter #alamedafoodbank #affordablehousing #decarbonizationplan #guaranteedbasicincome #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
Alameda Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft addresses recent power outages, offers tips for upcoming storms, and shares teen summer job opportunities.
#ARPD #Storm #Alameda #Teenagers #JobOpening #SummerJobs #Drawbridges #PowerOutage #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#arpd #storm #alameda #teenagers #jobopening #summerjobs #drawbridges #poweroutage #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft