Alameda’s guaranteed income pilot program, Rise Up Alameda, will begin accepting applications for eligible households at 9 a.m. on Friday, September 8. The new program will provide 150 randomly selected low-income households with $1,000 per month for 24 months.
#alameda #AlamedaFreeLibrary #AlamedaPointCollaborative #AreaMedianIncome #GuaranteedBasicIncome #MastickSeniorCenter #OperationDignity #RiseUpAlameda
#alameda #alamedafreelibrary #alamedapointcollaborative #areamedianincome #guaranteedbasicincome #mastickseniorcenter #operationdignity #riseupalameda
The Alameda Point Collaborative farm has become a natural hotspot for cabbage white butterflies, western bluebirds, and black phoebes. Richard Bangert shares photos from the ecosystem in our own backyard.
#alameda #butterflies #Farm2Market #AlamedaPoint #birdwatching #AlamedaPointCollaborative
#alameda #butterflies #farm2market #alamedapoint #birdwatching #alamedapointcollaborative
Thank you to all the Clif Bar & Company employees who served at several Alameda Point Collaborative locations for a day of community service! Richard Bangert shares the day's accomplishments, including weeding, fruit tree pruning, and progress on a new greenhouse.
#alameda #ClifBar #Farm2Market #AlamedaPoint #PloughsharesNursery #AlamedaPointCollaborative
#alameda #clifbar #farm2market #alamedapoint #ploughsharesnursery #alamedapointcollaborative
AUSD's Summer Meals program offers free, nutritious breakfasts and lunches to all kids and teens June 20 through August 4 at five Alameda locations.
#ausd #alameda #dominos #AcademyOfAlameda #SummerMealsProgram #AlamedaBoysAndGirlsClub #ShinseiGardenApartments #AlamedaPointCollaborative #RubyBridgesElementarySchool
#ausd #alameda #dominos #academyofalameda #summermealsprogram #alamedaboysandgirlsclub #shinseigardenapartments #alamedapointcollaborative #rubybridgeselementaryschool