#Alamtg planning board discussing fences tonight. Just a workshop situation. Proposal would remove hedges from definition of fence. And perhaps do some other things regarding heights. Could matter a lot for corner lot fences. Staff doesn’t intend to return with this right away
There is a dude making shadow puppets in the morning sunlight on the ferry to amuse himself and it is giving me life. #ferry #alamtg #shadowpuppet Humans can be fabulous sometimes.
#NowSpinning #Metal Alameda’s own, Nite! Some blackened epic #powermetal #alamtg
#alamtg #powermetal #Metal #nowspinning
15 neighbors showed up for pizza in our driveway tonight and we ended up having an impromptu zucchini bread-off. Happy #GarbageEve to all who celebrate! #alamtg
Commission Yuen asked about the CEQA lead agency selection process for the estuary crossing bridge. Next she asks about the water shuttle pilot and the frequency of the shuttle. Wants the pilot to be dependable and work. #alamtg.
#alamtg he asks about Encinal Ave east of broadway after the Caltrans road diet? (Where it goes to 2 lanes for a block before going back to 1). Apparently NEXT year will be improved.
#alamtg for example: he asks about the quick-build tool kit, noting that quick build does not appear to be that much of a “quick” thing. Staff says striping and bollards have on call contract capabilities but not for concrete pours etc. Next he asks about parking issues - way finding, private lots.
TC tonight on #alamtg. Saw some of the AC transit presentation on the demise of line 78 and ridership surveys and other things, now watching an update on transportation planning for the city.
I'll be sitting up on the dais, instead of "live-tooting" this evening's #alamtg
Ran into a neighbor at the farmers market and told her about #GarbageEve. She said someone was already posting about it on the birdsite. Which is odd to me. So, hi lurking reposter, I guess. #alamtg
Seems like an odd time of year for a mama Turkey with chicks this size to move into my #growden - apparently they live here now. #alamtg #turkeysofmastodon Happy #GarbageEve to all who celebrate.
#garbageeve #turkeysofmastodon #alamtg #growden
Heads up #alamtg! Alert from the city: Two segments of the waterfront trail (aka Shoreline Park) leading up to the Bay Farm Island bike bridge will close back-to-back from August 15-September 8 while the City widens and repaves the trail, eliminating hazardous conditions and creating a smooth walking and riding surface. Many young people use these trails as they travel to and from school. Marked detours are in place. More info here:
We just spent all night sheltering in place, after Schnitzer Steel had a massive fire that blew smoke as far away as Fremont (a 40 min drive from us).This is the current condition 6+ hours after the burn. How is industry like this allowed in a huge metro area? Where are regulations? And why did I have to check the Meta walled garden to learn what happened when our house filled with toxic chemical smoke? #SFBayArea #alamtg #Oakland
The complaint revolves around the RESHAPE project documents. Issue is whether the public could find the project documents before the hearing.
(As best I can tell, the complaint also raises some issues about underlying merits of the project but that would fall outside the OGC’s jurisdiction.) #alamtg
Today OGC is hearing a complaint. #alamtg Details here:
My partner has been delighted that this is by far my most popular toot. She loves that y’all are “booping my toots”. Also she asked me to mention that all these bouquets are from an amazing local flower shop called Dandelion. #alamtg