Season 6 Episode 17 "Sail Away"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #BaywatchBabes #Baywatch #SailAway #California #Bicycles
#JeremyJackson #alanfudge #RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #BaywatchBabes #baywatch #sailaway #california #bicycles
#WonderWoman 33 (1978) - 6/10
1️⃣ Guest stars include: #MichaelShannon (#FutureCop) and #AlanFudge (#ManFromAtlantis).
2️⃣ Despite a lot of interesting detail, this is a pretty dull episode. Definitely not as good as the 6 before it. The villain hypnotises people, which is interesting, but his overall plan is bland.
#wonderwoman #michaelshannon #futurecop #alanfudge #manfromatlantis
33 years ago:
Too Young to Die? (US)
An abused 15 year old is charged with a murder that carries the death penalty in this fact-based story.
#TooYoungtoDie #JulietteLewis #BradPitt #AlanFudge #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#tooyoungtodie #juliettelewis #bradpitt #alanfudge #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film