Manchmal kommt ein hochgelobtes Buch einfach nicht an. So ging es unserem Rezensenten mit #TreacleWalker von #AlanGarner :
Fantasyguide: Treacle Walker – Der Wanderheiler (Autor: Alan Garner)
Managed to nab me one last Network release I’d missed and should have got. Alan Garner’s The Owl Service (1969) remastered on Blu-ray. Barely in print due to Network going into liquidation a couple of months after release. Out of stock most places but found a marketplace seller on Amazon with new stock. I haven’t seen this in many decades. Limited edition Blu-ray box includes a thorough booklet full of info. #BritishTV #Wales #AlanGarner #Horror #Folklore #FolkHorror #Myths #Myth #60sTV #Network
#network #60stv #myth #myths #folkhorror #folklore #horror #alangarner #wales #britishtv
This is Jenkin Chapel, a small CofE church between Macclesfield and Buxton. Very close to Thursbitch. Very primitive, but wonderfully calm atmosphere. Sound of sheep and rooks from outside. #PeakDistrict #AlanGarner
@lovecoastal Today I followed my first Mastodon hashtag - on #AlanGarner from your home page. I’ve encouraged my children to read his work (less success unfortunately with grandchildren, who prefer something more ‘modern’). 40 years ago or thereabouts I visited the Edge and searched out some of the places he described.
Having done it once, you are visiting the Earth's secret places. Once you go through an area that is *hard* it's like you're backstage somehow, seeing a part of the world that you weren't invited to see.
Plus the whole weird-stuff-to-see thing. I blame reading #AlanGarner's Weirdstone when I was twelve.
[1978] Writers' Workshop - ITV Schools' series on writing.
Here, fantasy novelist Alan Garner traces the personal inspirations behind his story, Elidor, while growing up in Alderley Edge.
Further to my #introduction , some #Interests
#FiftySomething #Dad #Daughters #Dog #Music #Literature #Film #Humanities #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Cornwall #StIves #Kernow #Jazz #DoctorWho #ProgressiveRock #Metal #Electronica #History #Philosophy #Art #Swimming #HealthyEating #IntermittentFasting #Nutrition #Walking #AlanGarner #BenAaronovitch #RiversOfLondon #CelticFolklore #ScottishBorn #CornishRaised #Lossiemouth #Outdoors #Home #Family
#introduction #interests #fiftysomething #dad #daughters #dog #music #literature #film #humanities #scifi #sciencefiction #cornwall #stives #kernow #jazz #doctorwho #progressiverock #metal #electronica #history #philosophy #art #swimming #healthyeating #intermittentfasting #nutrition #walking #alangarner #benaaronovitch #riversoflondon #celticfolklore #scottishborn #cornishraised #lossiemouth #outdoors #home #family
Wedi gorffen “Jack” #MarilynneRobinson, ac eisiau ailddarllen yr holl gyfres nawr, ond ymlaen â fi at yr un nesa o’r pentwr Nadolig, sef “Treacle Walker” #AlanGarner - wedi darllen rhyw draean ohono fe cyn codi’r bore ‘ma.
#alangarner #MarilynneRobinson
[1973] All Systems Go: Alan Garner – experimental autobiographical documentary presented by author Alan Garner (The Owl Service), examining the Cheshire countryside he grew up in, and understanding violence.
It will be a long time before I read a stranger book than Treacle Walker.
#BookerPrize ? #nobel for a lifetimes craft would be fitting. #alangarner
#alangarner #nobel #BookerPrize
There is a shapeshifter in my heart that longs to bend for ‘us and them’.
Alan Garner time travelled back to his childhood to ask his grandad to tell these stories to him. And he did. Grandad Joseph Garner, you bless us and our children.
#collectedfolktales #alangarner #fairytales #myth #singersongwriter #story #stories #beauty #rilke #storytelling #beautyandterror #folktales #music #folkmusic #folkmusician #folksongs
#folksongs #folkmusician #folkmusic #music #folktales #beautyandterror #storytelling #Rilke #beauty #stories #story #singersongwriter #myth #fairytales #alangarner #collectedfolktales
I am getting strong Alan Garner vibes from this story #owlservice #alangarner
"She wants to be flowers, but you make her owls. You must not complain, then, if she goes hunting."
The #Weirdstone of Brisingamen – #AlanGarner
#Alice in #Wonderland – #LewisCarroll
#TheWormOuroboros – #EREddison
The #HouseOnTheBorderlands – #WilliamHopeHodgson
Confessions of a #JustifiedSinner – #JamesHogg
The #RingsOfSaturn – #WGSebald
On sober reflection I’ve decided to swap out The Worm Ouroboros, for #Slaughterhouse5 – #Vonnegut
#7books #weirdstone #alangarner #alice #Wonderland #lewiscarroll #thewormouroboros #ereddison #houseontheborderlands #williamhopehodgson #justifiedsinner #jameshogg #ringsofsaturn #wgsebald #haiku #rhblyth #garner #carroll #eddison #hodgson #hogg #sebald #blyth #slaughterhouse5 #vonnegut
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc.
#Bookstodon #folklore #myth #fantasy #MartinShaw #AlanGarner #AmyJeffs #LouiseErdrich #CatherynneValente
#bookstodon #folklore #myth #fantasy #martinshaw #alangarner #amyjeffs #louiseerdrich #catherynnevalente
Alright then #bookstodon … seven favourite authors…
Plus more I’ve probably forgotten
#bookstodon #ursulaleguin #vladimirnabokov #alanmoore #alangarner #PhilipPullman #laurielee #angelacarter
Just finished a rewatch of Granada TV’s adaptation of #AlanGarner The Owl Service. If they hadn’t done recaps before each episode, viewers would have been even more baffled. That said it’s a strange, mesmerising, unsettling series, attuned to Garner’s equally obfuscating prose. Still can’t believe it was made for children given the adult themes it was dealing with.
@SimonGCutmore The list for #children is:
#TheLittleWhiteHorse by #ElizabethGoudge
#ALoadOfUnicorn by #CynthiaHarnett
#TheEagleOfTheNinth by #RosemarySutcliff
#MistressMashamsRepose by #THWhite
All the #Narnia books of #CSLewis
#TheHobbit by #JRRTolkien
#TheWeirdstoneofBrisingamen by #AlanGarner
#children #thelittlewhitehorse #elizabethgoudge #aloadofunicorn #cynthiaharnett #theeagleoftheninth #rosemarysutcliff #mistressmashamsrepose #thwhite #narnia #cslewis #thehobbit #jrrtolkien #theweirdstoneofbrisingamen #alangarner