Includes: #JeffBeck #MichaelRhodes #ChuckJackson #GaryRossington #WayneShorter #CarlosGarnett #DavidLindley #GlenSpotLockett #SteveMackey #HueyPianoSmith #TrugoytheDove #BarrettStrong #BurtBacharach #GordyHarmon #CJHarris #GeraldFried #LisaMariePresley #RobbieBachman #AlanRankine #GangstaBoo #TomVerlaine #VanConner #DavidCrosby #MarcelAmont #RobertBlake #VictorEvans
#jeffbeck #michaelrhodes #chuckjackson #garyrossington #wayneshorter #carlosgarnett #davidlindley #glenspotlockett #stevemackey #hueypianosmith #trugoythedove #barrettstrong #burtbacharach #gordyharmon #cjharris #geraldfried #lisamariepresley #robbiebachman #alanrankine #gangstaboo #tomverlaine #vanconner #davidcrosby #marcelamont #robertblake #victorevans
Another great article on Alan Rankine. #AlanRankine #TheGuardian #TheAssociates #Music #IndieRock
#alanrankine #theguardian #theassociates #music #indierock
Just heard the news: #AlanRankine passed on January 3rd. He was the inventive multi-instrumentalist and composer behind the eccentric voice of Billy Mackenzie in #TheAssociates. He went on to work with a long list of UK indie legends including Paul Haig, Cocteau Twins, and the Pale Fountains. One of Scotland's finest. 🎶 🙏 😢 #Music #PostPunk #NewWave
#alanrankine #theassociates #music #postpunk #newwave
Any fans of Billy Mackenzie disappointed by this poll's outcome can console themselves with this fine Dundee mural. No doubt they are painting fellow Associate, the recently departed #AlanRankine, next to him as we speak
Alan Rankine of The Associates Passes Away At 64
Listening and remembering today... #TheAssociates #AlanRankine #Sulk
#sulk #alanrankine #theassociates
The Associates ~ The Affectionate Punch
(from The Affectionate Punch, 1980)
#alanrankine #RIP
Two very talented young men that entered from the shadow of Bowie and moved at lightning speed into amazing realms. Those first 2 LPs influenced all of us reaching for those same heights.
Martyn Ware's podcast interview with Alan Rankine.
Lovely piece on Alan Rankine
Alan Rankine was the maestro of the Associates’ post-punk pop – and an architect of indie
Overriding the Brain DJ in favour of Alan Rankine (17 May 1958~3 January 2023), and a track from his work with Billy Mackenzie:
Associates, "Skipping" (1982)
#music #alanrankine #associates
Ach, RIP #AlanRankine. There really wasn't anyone like The Associates.
As well as #AlanRankine and his work with #TheAssociates he also did a fair bit of production work, including with #CocteauTwins #PaulHaig and this fairly unknown artist #AnnaDomino who was jointly on #LesDisquesDuCrepuscule and #FactoryRecords Alan did all the instrumentation on this album. 💔
#alanrankine #theassociates #cocteautwins #paulhaig #annadomino #lesdisquesducrepuscule #factoryrecords
There are no other bands like the Associates. No music like Alan's, no singer like Billy. Completely unique, magical and beautiful. Rest in peace Alan Rankine, you wrote the soundtrack to my world. Thank you.
#billymackenzie #theassociates #associates #alanrankine
#NowPlaying #TheAssociates Silk whilst remembering the excellent #BillyMacKenzie and now also #AlanRankine RIP
#alanrankine #billymackenzie #theassociates #nowplaying
Goodbye to Alan Rankine (1958-2023). Scottish musician, member of The Associates and producer of offbeat acts (Cocteau Twins, Paul Haig, The Pale Fountains) who created some of the most warped, arty, interesting music of the '80s.
Also, one of the few men who could stand next to Billy Mackenzie and still look good.
Sad news about the loss of Alan Rankine. This album was constantly on my turntable after its release & I loved that whole period where The Associates were releasing singles of experimental sounding stuff before Sulk. He went on to do some pretty influential activity in music, but along with Billy Mackenzie, he was important in my life. ‘Praise be to chance, for meeting us here’ Alan…RIP. #theassociates #alanrankine #postpunk #scottishpostpunk #music #rip #theaffectionatepunch #boyskeepswinging
#TheAssociates #alanrankine #postpunk #scottishpostpunk #music #rip #theaffectionatepunch #boyskeepswinging
Late entry of #SongOfTheWeek but with passing of #alanrankine going with The Associates “The Affectionate Punch”. With Rankine providing the sounds and the late Billy Mackenzie and his falsetto vocals, they gained pop success in the UK. The song of the week is a more straight and punkish song but shows their quirky, yet also disturbing, catchiness on display. A good opener for people to see if this band is for them #scottishpop #vinyl #80s
#songoftheweek #alanrankine #scottishpop #vinyl #80s