Prison transfer.. prisoner is getting sick... guard is a dick...
Cut to two guys ia garage.. kid comes in...
She discovered my watching. Poopysocks. She let me settle on a Mars documentary after seeing for herself that there ain't shit on.
Meaning there's nothing but shit on.
🤣 Anyway, I have yet to see an episode.
I only know of the show through comedy skits, and that it's on "all the time" on NITRO, which is the cheesy action trash channel.
Oh, hey! #BeautyAndTheNerd 🇩🇪 is coming back end of the month! Cool!
Although I speak decent German, and can carry on a conversation, my brain circuitry is in English.
😜 Dutch/Plattdeutsch drives me batty.
I can watch/enjoy German shows where I don't really have to follow a plot. 🤣 This includes #AlarmFürCobra11.
#BeautyAndTheNerd #alarmfurcobra11
🤣 She finally had enough and made me change the channel.
I think I'm going to try to follow what's going on with this ep, instead of posting along.
Oh! Another episode!
Spanish wedding. Father and son speak. A caravan of limos.
Screen: 3 weeks later
Our Heroes sit in a car, talking. Another cop brings coffee.
Rut roh! They get a radio call, the truck is coming.
Cut to Autobahn, our Heroes following a truck. They pull off the Autobahn.
Meanwhile, at the drug kingpin's, it's a raid!
Back to the truck. Blockade! Gunfire! Chain reaction! 💥 Still moving! 🔥 More carnage! 💥 Gun fight!
The van chain reacts and corkscrews through the air! The barricadees stagger out of the burning wreckage. Our Heroes appear unconscious. Barricadees run. Bad Guy comes upon the wreckage and chases barricadees, eventually trapping them. Our Heroes show up, shoot out, Bad Guy dead.
End of story.
More phone negotiations between prison and police.
Rut roh! Our Heroes and their rescues run into the head bad guy(?). A brief chase. Our Heroes shoot open the doors to unlock a van. Our Heroes and villains all seem to have a infinite magazines in their guns.
The van starts! 💥 Blows out of the prison! Car chase! More shoot outs! 💥 More chain reaction car wrecks! 💥 Even more chain reaction wrecks!
So far, the 🧀 is living up to it's promise. This is 🧀 of the highest order, unapologetically stinky.
And we're back!
The SWAT team is in uniform, the prisoners are in uniform, the guards are in uniform, our two Heroes(?) look smug in leather jackets.🙄
GenPop still rioting.
Shoot out in the prison!
Our Heroes(?) rescue the folks who barricaded themselves in with the recorder, but one of the barricadees gets winged in the process.
A SWAT team rapelles into the prison from a helicopter!
Tense phone negotiations. Where is SWAT?
Prisoners are trying to break into the storeroom, where they have the recorder.
I covered the prison riot, and folks barricading themselves in a storeroom, and his prison attempt to regain order, but my phone shat itself again.
Now it's kind of a lull, prisoners pondering their new situation. GenPop continues to run amok.
Police now planning a sneaky sneaky, I think.
Someone in jail is getting released into the yard? Obvious cops are obvious. Obvious criminals are obvious. Is someone gonna get shanked?
Dickhead guard pulls someone for a visitor. Full contact visit in a cafeteria setting, so it's a low security facility.
She looks pensive. Pfeffernuss asked if I'm watching cuz I'm typing. I assured her I was.
Sketchy meeting in a cafe.
She pulls a HDD? out of her purse.
Cut to a serious 1 on 1, with ominous music. Oh! They're wired to the sketchy meeting.
A motorcycle wheelies in and steals the HDD(?)!!!
Motorcycle chase! On the Autobahn! Scree! Chain reaction! 💥BOOM! 💥
Roll intro!
Equal goes it loose!
I think I might actually be able to watch an episode of #AlarmFürCobra11 tonight!
I've heard about it, and seen some skits on the comedy shows, and seen a few minutes here and there, but Pfeffernuss always changes it as soon as she realizes what's on. I have yet to see a full episode.
Anyway, there's shit for TV tonight, and she's engrossed in a Netflix series, so tonight may be my chance.
Naturally, I'll post the 🧀, 🔥, and 💥 as it happens should my plan come to fruition.
#TrashTV ♥️
Pfeffernuss went shopping. This should be my chance to catch #AlarmFürCobra11 💥...
But it's not on? It's always on. Except now. Looking at the TV guide, next airing in just past midnight. Blä.
I keep trying to watch Alarm Für Cobra 11, but somehow keep getting shut down. I've seen sketches on the comedy shows, but haven't yet managed an episode.
The most I've ever seen was 3 minutes of the opening segment, and it was stinky cheese, indeed. But then she noticed what I was watching, grabbed the remote, and changed it.
It eludes me. It is my Moby Dick.
I finally got to see about 10 minutes of #AlarmFürCobra11. I was expecting cheese. I was not disappointed.
The opening sequence: overacted family drama! Cut to post-intimacy cuddles featuring two scantily clad women on a bed. A break-in and murder, one woman is taken hostage, followed by a gun battle in the street, followed by a car chase. There was fire.
Suprême de grand fromage! 🧀🏆🧀
🤣 Pfeffernuss grabbed the remote and changed it as soon as she noticed what I was watching. 😜