včeraj sva z Jolando malo klepetala na Valu 202
(an interview/discussion I had on national radio about my latest work and then some... in slovene)
Sending CDRs by post, one of them going overseas to USA to the author of the Albatross illustration @levitea
PS: not many are left, get yours at http://music.lukaprincic.si
#albatrossep #creativetoots #music #electronicmusic
awesome, really good to hear you've made something, now, inspired. :) keep it up - more music, more happiness :D
I am at the end of promotion for my latest EP (#albatrossEP) and now on into writing/adapting/remixing music for a friend's solo contemporary stage piece (between burlesque and contemporary dance) and preparing to start working on my next EP due out in october.
How to handle the new hex!
#packaging #release #diy #albatrossEP #witches #electronicmusic #ccmusic #music #creativetoots
#packaging #release #diy #albatrossep #witches #electronicmusic #ccmusic #music #creativetoots
@Waxlimbs Slovenia, essentially. Handmade. We made a 'tool' for it, so it's quite fast to fold them now. CDR duplicated and printed at duplicator. Paper printed at out-of-town digital printer team-mate. Designed by Tina Ivezić from Croatia. Illustration from Pittsburg - Emma Lazauski @levitea Product design copied from few photos I got online, see https://toot.si/@luka/27947
In a #patreon update I just shared a link to source files of my latest release Albatross EP as an exclusive early access to my patrons.
#OneDollarPatreon #opensourcemusic #mastoart #mastomusic #wearethemusicmakers #creativecommons #ccmusic #bandcamp #renoise
#patreon #albatrossep #onedollarpatreon #opensourcemusic #mastoart #mastomusic #wearethemusicmakers #creativecommons #ccmusic #bandcamp #renoise
Ok, some progress finally made about that Floor music video which is already made.
I/we need signed statements from all student performers on the video.
I was hoping the principal will just give it a green light, but now we need to do this. I can totally understand that and it seems the right thing to do, but it just means more delay before that video can be freely shared with everyone.
Well, perhaps this suspense can contribute to attention by listeners. :)
First final design folding test of the diy CD cardboard wrap.
fix me vimeo profile a little bit
📽 🎞
uploaded Floor (#albatrossEP) video to Vimeo (youtube or vimeo or homepage www?). soon public!
since I was there (on Vimeo page) watched an older music video for a track "Recursion" - dark -ish stuff for an electrofunk/IDM vibes.
🎶 https://vimeo.com/lukaprincic/recursion 🎶
#music #creativetoots #dance
#OneDollarPatreon http://patreon.com/lukaprincic
#albatrossep #kdenlive #artwithopensource #music #creativetoots #dance #onedollarpatreon
My designer and myself are *this* close to finalizing the design for a DIY handmade paper-only CD cover-wrap.
releasing your own music takes a lot of time and work, but when it then comes out it grabs you and you cannot stop sending out messages about it
Albatross EP is out!
Paid for by my patrons. Thank you!
Free name-your-price downloads on Bandcamp.
Enjoy the music!
Hype for the video coming real soon - just waiting for a clearance.
Will be releasing the Renoise source files too.
#artwithopensource ( minus Renoise :( )
#artwithopensource #creativetoots #art #music #linuxartists #albatrossep
Master CD for duplication is ready too!
#albatrossep #mastoaudio #mastomusic #creativetoots
so, report:
the EP is uploaded to Symphonic distribution which should take care for all the digital stores out there. since I'm a bit late the EP will not necessarily appear on monday, but will by mid-month. The release on Bandcamp is ready, I also put it now on SoundCloud (private), although I'm really sceptical about this platform.
There's so much more to do regarding distribution and promotion, meh!!
#albatrossep #lifeofadigitalmusician #creativetoots
oh my, the webcover is finally finished!!!
Illustration by amazing Emma Lazauski @levitea
Additional design and manipulation by Tina Ivezić and yours truly.
The release is coming out monday July 31st via netlabel Kamizdat (name-your-price, CC BY-SA)
#albatrossep #mastoart #creativetoots #art #illustration
sleepy.. but I'm waiting for the webm render to finish.
prepared couple of posts on Patreon.
uploaded the video to my homepage (not the webm one yet), Bandcamp and YouTube (cringey).
now waiting for the design of final webcover and later CDr packaging.
ok, so liner notes are written. and end titles of the video have been confirmed. so i can render the FHD format of the video and all the subformats (720p webm & mp4)
my early access patrons will see this video a week earlier if i'll be able to hang on it till monday.
ok, so the choreographer approves the video edit, yay! (which contains many shots of dancers doing her choreography)
actually, tears were shed, this thing touched hearts, which is good. it touched mine too seeing what i did last night is not _that_ bad.
so excited
to release it
to the world.
now more work to be done around this release.
oh my. it's 3:30am and i just finished a rough cut of the video for track "Floor".
#albatrossep #kdenlive #mastoart #video #artwithopensource
Since masters are really finished, I can upload the audio to BC. It takes ages since this is mobile connection, but, YAY!
#albatrossep #mastomusic #mastoart